# Copyright (c) 2022-2025, The Isaac Lab Project Developers.
# All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""Functions to generate height fields for different terrains."""
from __future__ import annotations
import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate as interpolate
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from .utils import height_field_to_mesh
from . import hf_terrains_cfg
def pyramid_sloped_terrain(difficulty: float, cfg: hf_terrains_cfg.HfPyramidSlopedTerrainCfg) -> np.ndarray:
"""Generate a terrain with a truncated pyramid structure.
The terrain is a pyramid-shaped sloped surface with a slope of :obj:`slope` that trims into a flat platform
at the center. The slope is defined as the ratio of the height change along the x axis to the width along the
x axis. For example, a slope of 1.0 means that the height changes by 1 unit for every 1 unit of width.
If the :obj:`cfg.inverted` flag is set to :obj:`True`, the terrain is inverted such that
the platform is at the bottom.
.. image:: ../../_static/terrains/height_field/pyramid_sloped_terrain.jpg
:width: 40%
.. image:: ../../_static/terrains/height_field/inverted_pyramid_sloped_terrain.jpg
:width: 40%
difficulty: The difficulty of the terrain. This is a value between 0 and 1.
cfg: The configuration for the terrain.
The height field of the terrain as a 2D numpy array with discretized heights.
The shape of the array is (width, length), where width and length are the number of points
along the x and y axis, respectively.
# resolve terrain configuration
if cfg.inverted:
slope = -cfg.slope_range[0] - difficulty * (cfg.slope_range[1] - cfg.slope_range[0])
slope = cfg.slope_range[0] + difficulty * (cfg.slope_range[1] - cfg.slope_range[0])
# switch parameters to discrete units
# -- horizontal scale
width_pixels = int(cfg.size[0] / cfg.horizontal_scale)
length_pixels = int(cfg.size[1] / cfg.horizontal_scale)
# -- height
# we want the height to be 1/2 of the width since the terrain is a pyramid
height_max = int(slope * cfg.size[0] / 2 / cfg.vertical_scale)
# -- center of the terrain
center_x = int(width_pixels / 2)
center_y = int(length_pixels / 2)
# create a meshgrid of the terrain
x = np.arange(0, width_pixels)
y = np.arange(0, length_pixels)
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y, sparse=True)
# offset the meshgrid to the center of the terrain
xx = (center_x - np.abs(center_x - xx)) / center_x
yy = (center_y - np.abs(center_y - yy)) / center_y
# reshape the meshgrid to be 2D
xx = xx.reshape(width_pixels, 1)
yy = yy.reshape(1, length_pixels)
# create a sloped surface
hf_raw = np.zeros((width_pixels, length_pixels))
hf_raw = height_max * xx * yy
# create a flat platform at the center of the terrain
platform_width = int(cfg.platform_width / cfg.horizontal_scale / 2)
# get the height of the platform at the corner of the platform
x_pf = width_pixels // 2 - platform_width
y_pf = length_pixels // 2 - platform_width
z_pf = hf_raw[x_pf, y_pf]
hf_raw = np.clip(hf_raw, min(0, z_pf), max(0, z_pf))
# round off the heights to the nearest vertical step
return np.rint(hf_raw).astype(np.int16)
def pyramid_stairs_terrain(difficulty: float, cfg: hf_terrains_cfg.HfPyramidStairsTerrainCfg) -> np.ndarray:
"""Generate a terrain with a pyramid stair pattern.
The terrain is a pyramid stair pattern which trims to a flat platform at the center of the terrain.
If the :obj:`cfg.inverted` flag is set to :obj:`True`, the terrain is inverted such that
the platform is at the bottom.
.. image:: ../../_static/terrains/height_field/pyramid_stairs_terrain.jpg
:width: 40%
.. image:: ../../_static/terrains/height_field/inverted_pyramid_stairs_terrain.jpg
:width: 40%
difficulty: The difficulty of the terrain. This is a value between 0 and 1.
cfg: The configuration for the terrain.
The height field of the terrain as a 2D numpy array with discretized heights.
The shape of the array is (width, length), where width and length are the number of points
along the x and y axis, respectively.
# resolve terrain configuration
step_height = cfg.step_height_range[0] + difficulty * (cfg.step_height_range[1] - cfg.step_height_range[0])
if cfg.inverted:
step_height *= -1
# switch parameters to discrete units
# -- terrain
width_pixels = int(cfg.size[0] / cfg.horizontal_scale)
length_pixels = int(cfg.size[1] / cfg.horizontal_scale)
# -- stairs
step_width = int(cfg.step_width / cfg.horizontal_scale)
step_height = int(step_height / cfg.vertical_scale)
# -- platform
platform_width = int(cfg.platform_width / cfg.horizontal_scale)
# create a terrain with a flat platform at the center
hf_raw = np.zeros((width_pixels, length_pixels))
# add the steps
current_step_height = 0
start_x, start_y = 0, 0
stop_x, stop_y = width_pixels, length_pixels
while (stop_x - start_x) > platform_width and (stop_y - start_y) > platform_width:
# increment position
# -- x
start_x += step_width
stop_x -= step_width
# -- y
start_y += step_width
stop_y -= step_width
# increment height
current_step_height += step_height
# add the step
hf_raw[start_x:stop_x, start_y:stop_y] = current_step_height
# round off the heights to the nearest vertical step
return np.rint(hf_raw).astype(np.int16)
def discrete_obstacles_terrain(difficulty: float, cfg: hf_terrains_cfg.HfDiscreteObstaclesTerrainCfg) -> np.ndarray:
"""Generate a terrain with randomly generated obstacles as pillars with positive and negative heights.
The terrain is a flat platform at the center of the terrain with randomly generated obstacles as pillars
with positive and negative height. The obstacles are randomly generated cuboids with a random width and
height. They are placed randomly on the terrain with a minimum distance of :obj:`cfg.platform_width`
from the center of the terrain.
.. image:: ../../_static/terrains/height_field/discrete_obstacles_terrain.jpg
:width: 40%
:align: center
difficulty: The difficulty of the terrain. This is a value between 0 and 1.
cfg: The configuration for the terrain.
The height field of the terrain as a 2D numpy array with discretized heights.
The shape of the array is (width, length), where width and length are the number of points
along the x and y axis, respectively.
# resolve terrain configuration
obs_height = cfg.obstacle_height_range[0] + difficulty * (
cfg.obstacle_height_range[1] - cfg.obstacle_height_range[0]
# switch parameters to discrete units
# -- terrain
width_pixels = int(cfg.size[0] / cfg.horizontal_scale)
length_pixels = int(cfg.size[1] / cfg.horizontal_scale)
# -- obstacles
obs_height = int(obs_height / cfg.vertical_scale)
obs_width_min = int(cfg.obstacle_width_range[0] / cfg.horizontal_scale)
obs_width_max = int(cfg.obstacle_width_range[1] / cfg.horizontal_scale)
# -- center of the terrain
platform_width = int(cfg.platform_width / cfg.horizontal_scale)
# create discrete ranges for the obstacles
# -- shape
obs_width_range = np.arange(obs_width_min, obs_width_max, 4)
obs_length_range = np.arange(obs_width_min, obs_width_max, 4)
# -- position
obs_x_range = np.arange(0, width_pixels, 4)
obs_y_range = np.arange(0, length_pixels, 4)
# create a terrain with a flat platform at the center
hf_raw = np.zeros((width_pixels, length_pixels))
# generate the obstacles
for _ in range(cfg.num_obstacles):
# sample size
if cfg.obstacle_height_mode == "choice":
height = np.random.choice([-obs_height, -obs_height // 2, obs_height // 2, obs_height])
elif cfg.obstacle_height_mode == "fixed":
height = obs_height
raise ValueError(f"Unknown obstacle height mode '{cfg.obstacle_height_mode}'. Must be 'choice' or 'fixed'.")
width = int(np.random.choice(obs_width_range))
length = int(np.random.choice(obs_length_range))
# sample position
x_start = int(np.random.choice(obs_x_range))
y_start = int(np.random.choice(obs_y_range))
# clip start position to the terrain
if x_start + width > width_pixels:
x_start = width_pixels - width
if y_start + length > length_pixels:
y_start = length_pixels - length
# add to terrain
hf_raw[x_start : x_start + width, y_start : y_start + length] = height
# clip the terrain to the platform
x1 = (width_pixels - platform_width) // 2
x2 = (width_pixels + platform_width) // 2
y1 = (length_pixels - platform_width) // 2
y2 = (length_pixels + platform_width) // 2
hf_raw[x1:x2, y1:y2] = 0
# round off the heights to the nearest vertical step
return np.rint(hf_raw).astype(np.int16)
def wave_terrain(difficulty: float, cfg: hf_terrains_cfg.HfWaveTerrainCfg) -> np.ndarray:
r"""Generate a terrain with a wave pattern.
The terrain is a flat platform at the center of the terrain with a wave pattern. The wave pattern
is generated by adding sinusoidal waves based on the number of waves and the amplitude of the waves.
The height of the terrain at a point :math:`(x, y)` is given by:
.. math::
h(x, y) = A \left(\sin\left(\frac{2 \pi x}{\lambda}\right) + \cos\left(\frac{2 \pi y}{\lambda}\right) \right)
where :math:`A` is the amplitude of the waves, :math:`\lambda` is the wavelength of the waves.
.. image:: ../../_static/terrains/height_field/wave_terrain.jpg
:width: 40%
:align: center
difficulty: The difficulty of the terrain. This is a value between 0 and 1.
cfg: The configuration for the terrain.
The height field of the terrain as a 2D numpy array with discretized heights.
The shape of the array is (width, length), where width and length are the number of points
along the x and y axis, respectively.
ValueError: When the number of waves is non-positive.
# check number of waves
if cfg.num_waves < 0:
raise ValueError(f"Number of waves must be a positive integer. Got: {cfg.num_waves}.")
# resolve terrain configuration
amplitude = cfg.amplitude_range[0] + difficulty * (cfg.amplitude_range[1] - cfg.amplitude_range[0])
# switch parameters to discrete units
# -- terrain
width_pixels = int(cfg.size[0] / cfg.horizontal_scale)
length_pixels = int(cfg.size[1] / cfg.horizontal_scale)
amplitude_pixels = int(0.5 * amplitude / cfg.vertical_scale)
# compute the wave number: nu = 2 * pi / lambda
wave_length = length_pixels / cfg.num_waves
wave_number = 2 * np.pi / wave_length
# create meshgrid for the terrain
x = np.arange(0, width_pixels)
y = np.arange(0, length_pixels)
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y, sparse=True)
xx = xx.reshape(width_pixels, 1)
yy = yy.reshape(1, length_pixels)
# create a terrain with a flat platform at the center
hf_raw = np.zeros((width_pixels, length_pixels))
# add the waves
hf_raw += amplitude_pixels * (np.cos(yy * wave_number) + np.sin(xx * wave_number))
# round off the heights to the nearest vertical step
return np.rint(hf_raw).astype(np.int16)
def stepping_stones_terrain(difficulty: float, cfg: hf_terrains_cfg.HfSteppingStonesTerrainCfg) -> np.ndarray:
"""Generate a terrain with a stepping stones pattern.
The terrain is a stepping stones pattern which trims to a flat platform at the center of the terrain.
.. image:: ../../_static/terrains/height_field/stepping_stones_terrain.jpg
:width: 40%
:align: center
difficulty: The difficulty of the terrain. This is a value between 0 and 1.
cfg: The configuration for the terrain.
The height field of the terrain as a 2D numpy array with discretized heights.
The shape of the array is (width, length), where width and length are the number of points
along the x and y axis, respectively.
# resolve terrain configuration
stone_width = cfg.stone_width_range[1] - difficulty * (cfg.stone_width_range[1] - cfg.stone_width_range[0])
stone_distance = cfg.stone_distance_range[0] + difficulty * (
cfg.stone_distance_range[1] - cfg.stone_distance_range[0]
# switch parameters to discrete units
# -- terrain
width_pixels = int(cfg.size[0] / cfg.horizontal_scale)
length_pixels = int(cfg.size[1] / cfg.horizontal_scale)
# -- stones
stone_distance = int(stone_distance / cfg.horizontal_scale)
stone_width = int(stone_width / cfg.horizontal_scale)
stone_height_max = int(cfg.stone_height_max / cfg.vertical_scale)
# -- holes
holes_depth = int(cfg.holes_depth / cfg.vertical_scale)
# -- platform
platform_width = int(cfg.platform_width / cfg.horizontal_scale)
# create range of heights
stone_height_range = np.arange(-stone_height_max - 1, stone_height_max, step=1)
# create a terrain with a flat platform at the center
hf_raw = np.full((width_pixels, length_pixels), holes_depth)
# add the stones
start_x, start_y = 0, 0
# -- if the terrain is longer than it is wide then fill the terrain column by column
if length_pixels >= width_pixels:
while start_y < length_pixels:
# ensure that stone stops along y-axis
stop_y = min(length_pixels, start_y + stone_width)
# randomly sample x-position
start_x = np.random.randint(0, stone_width)
stop_x = max(0, start_x - stone_distance)
# fill first stone
hf_raw[0:stop_x, start_y:stop_y] = np.random.choice(stone_height_range)
# fill row with stones
while start_x < width_pixels:
stop_x = min(width_pixels, start_x + stone_width)
hf_raw[start_x:stop_x, start_y:stop_y] = np.random.choice(stone_height_range)
start_x += stone_width + stone_distance
# update y-position
start_y += stone_width + stone_distance
elif width_pixels > length_pixels:
while start_x < width_pixels:
# ensure that stone stops along x-axis
stop_x = min(width_pixels, start_x + stone_width)
# randomly sample y-position
start_y = np.random.randint(0, stone_width)
stop_y = max(0, start_y - stone_distance)
# fill first stone
hf_raw[start_x:stop_x, 0:stop_y] = np.random.choice(stone_height_range)
# fill column with stones
while start_y < length_pixels:
stop_y = min(length_pixels, start_y + stone_width)
hf_raw[start_x:stop_x, start_y:stop_y] = np.random.choice(stone_height_range)
start_y += stone_width + stone_distance
# update x-position
start_x += stone_width + stone_distance
# add the platform in the center
x1 = (width_pixels - platform_width) // 2
x2 = (width_pixels + platform_width) // 2
y1 = (length_pixels - platform_width) // 2
y2 = (length_pixels + platform_width) // 2
hf_raw[x1:x2, y1:y2] = 0
# round off the heights to the nearest vertical step
return np.rint(hf_raw).astype(np.int16)