Source code for omni.isaac.lab.controllers.operational_space

# Copyright (c) 2022-2025, The Isaac Lab Project Developers.
# All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

from __future__ import annotations

import torch
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from omni.isaac.lab.utils.math import (

    from .operational_space_cfg import OperationalSpaceControllerCfg

[docs]class OperationalSpaceController: """Operational-space controller. Reference: 1. `A unified approach for motion and force control of robot manipulators: The operational space formulation <>`_ by Oussama Khatib (Stanford University) 2. `Robot Dynamics Lecture Notes <>`_ by Marco Hutter (ETH Zurich) """
[docs] def __init__(self, cfg: OperationalSpaceControllerCfg, num_envs: int, device: str): """Initialize operational-space controller. Args: cfg: The configuration for operational-space controller. num_envs: The number of environments. device: The device to use for computations. Raises: ValueError: When invalid control command is provided. """ # store inputs self.cfg = cfg self.num_envs = num_envs self._device = device # resolve tasks-pace target dimensions self.target_list = list() for command_type in self.cfg.target_types: if command_type == "pose_rel": self.target_list.append(6) elif command_type == "pose_abs": self.target_list.append(7) elif command_type == "wrench_abs": self.target_list.append(6) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid control command: {command_type}.") self.target_dim = sum(self.target_list) # create buffers # -- selection matrices, which might be defined in the task reference frame different from the root frame self._selection_matrix_motion_task = torch.diag_embed( torch.tensor(self.cfg.motion_control_axes_task, dtype=torch.float, device=self._device) .unsqueeze(0) .repeat(self.num_envs, 1) ) self._selection_matrix_force_task = torch.diag_embed( torch.tensor(self.cfg.contact_wrench_control_axes_task, dtype=torch.float, device=self._device) .unsqueeze(0) .repeat(self.num_envs, 1) ) # -- selection matrices in root frame self._selection_matrix_motion_b = torch.zeros_like(self._selection_matrix_motion_task) self._selection_matrix_force_b = torch.zeros_like(self._selection_matrix_force_task) # -- commands self._task_space_target_task = torch.zeros(self.num_envs, self.target_dim, device=self._device) # -- Placeholders for motion/force control self.desired_ee_pose_task = None self.desired_ee_pose_b = None self.desired_ee_wrench_task = None self.desired_ee_wrench_b = None # -- buffer for operational space mass matrix self._os_mass_matrix_b = torch.zeros(self.num_envs, 6, 6, device=self._device) # -- Placeholder for the inverse of joint space mass matrix self._mass_matrix_inv = None # -- motion control gains self._motion_p_gains_task = torch.diag_embed( torch.ones(self.num_envs, 6, device=self._device) * torch.tensor(self.cfg.motion_stiffness_task, dtype=torch.float, device=self._device) ) # -- -- zero out the axes that are not motion controlled, as keeping them non-zero will cause other axes # -- -- to act due to coupling self._motion_p_gains_task[:] = self._selection_matrix_motion_task @ self._motion_p_gains_task[:] self._motion_d_gains_task = torch.diag_embed( 2 * torch.diagonal(self._motion_p_gains_task, dim1=-2, dim2=-1).sqrt() * torch.as_tensor(self.cfg.motion_damping_ratio_task, dtype=torch.float, device=self._device).reshape(1, -1) ) # -- -- motion control gains in root frame self._motion_p_gains_b = torch.zeros_like(self._motion_p_gains_task) self._motion_d_gains_b = torch.zeros_like(self._motion_d_gains_task) # -- force control gains if self.cfg.contact_wrench_stiffness_task is not None: self._contact_wrench_p_gains_task = torch.diag_embed( torch.ones(self.num_envs, 6, device=self._device) * torch.tensor(self.cfg.contact_wrench_stiffness_task, dtype=torch.float, device=self._device) ) self._contact_wrench_p_gains_task[:] = ( self._selection_matrix_force_task @ self._contact_wrench_p_gains_task[:] ) # -- -- force control gains in root frame self._contact_wrench_p_gains_b = torch.zeros_like(self._contact_wrench_p_gains_task) else: self._contact_wrench_p_gains_task = None self._contact_wrench_p_gains_b = None # -- position gain limits self._motion_p_gains_limits = torch.zeros(self.num_envs, 6, 2, device=self._device) self._motion_p_gains_limits[..., 0], self._motion_p_gains_limits[..., 1] = ( self.cfg.motion_stiffness_limits_task[0], self.cfg.motion_stiffness_limits_task[1], ) # -- damping ratio limits self._motion_damping_ratio_limits = torch.zeros_like(self._motion_p_gains_limits) self._motion_damping_ratio_limits[..., 0], self._motion_damping_ratio_limits[..., 1] = ( self.cfg.motion_damping_ratio_limits_task[0], self.cfg.motion_damping_ratio_limits_task[1], ) # -- end-effector contact wrench self._ee_contact_wrench_b = torch.zeros(self.num_envs, 6, device=self._device) # -- buffers for null-space control gains self._nullspace_p_gain = torch.tensor(self.cfg.nullspace_stiffness, dtype=torch.float, device=self._device) self._nullspace_d_gain = ( 2 * torch.sqrt(self._nullspace_p_gain) * torch.tensor(self.cfg.nullspace_damping_ratio, dtype=torch.float, device=self._device) )
""" Properties. """ @property def action_dim(self) -> int: """Dimension of the action space of controller.""" # impedance mode if self.cfg.impedance_mode == "fixed": # task-space targets return self.target_dim elif self.cfg.impedance_mode == "variable_kp": # task-space targets + stiffness return self.target_dim + 6 elif self.cfg.impedance_mode == "variable": # task-space targets + stiffness + damping return self.target_dim + 6 + 6 else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid impedance mode: {self.cfg.impedance_mode}.") """ Operations. """
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset the internals.""" self.desired_ee_pose_b = None self.desired_ee_pose_task = None self.desired_ee_wrench_b = None self.desired_ee_wrench_task = None
[docs] def set_command( self, command: torch.Tensor, current_ee_pose_b: torch.Tensor | None = None, current_task_frame_pose_b: torch.Tensor | None = None, ): """Set the task-space targets and impedance parameters. Args: command (torch.Tensor): A concatenated tensor of shape (``num_envs``, ``action_dim``) containing task-space targets (i.e., pose/wrench) and impedance parameters. current_ee_pose_b (torch.Tensor, optional): Current end-effector pose, in root frame, of shape (``num_envs``, 7), containing position and quaternion ``(w, x, y, z)``. Required for relative commands. Defaults to None. current_task_frame_pose_b: Current pose of the task frame, in root frame, in which the targets and the (motion/wrench) control axes are defined. It is a tensor of shape (``num_envs``, 7), containing position and the quaternion ``(w, x, y, z)``. Defaults to None. Format: Task-space targets, ordered according to 'command_types': Absolute pose: shape (``num_envs``, 7), containing position and quaternion ``(w, x, y, z)``. Relative pose: shape (``num_envs``, 6), containing delta position and rotation in axis-angle form. Absolute wrench: shape (``num_envs``, 6), containing force and torque. Impedance parameters: stiffness for ``variable_kp``, or stiffness, followed by damping ratio for ``variable``: Stiffness: shape (``num_envs``, 6) Damping ratio: shape (``num_envs``, 6) Raises: ValueError: When the command dimensions are invalid. ValueError: When an invalid impedance mode is provided. ValueError: When the current end-effector pose is not provided for the ``pose_rel`` command. ValueError: When an invalid control command is provided. """ # Check the input dimensions if command.shape != (self.num_envs, self.action_dim): raise ValueError( f"Invalid command shape '{command.shape}'. Expected: '{(self.num_envs, self.action_dim)}'." ) # Resolve the impedance parameters if self.cfg.impedance_mode == "fixed": # task space targets (i.e., pose/wrench) self._task_space_target_task[:] = command elif self.cfg.impedance_mode == "variable_kp": # split input command task_space_command, stiffness = torch.split(command, [self.target_dim, 6], dim=-1) # format command stiffness = stiffness.clip_( min=self._motion_p_gains_limits[..., 0], max=self._motion_p_gains_limits[..., 1] ) # task space targets + stiffness self._task_space_target_task[:] = task_space_command.squeeze(dim=-1) self._motion_p_gains_task[:] = torch.diag_embed(stiffness) self._motion_p_gains_task[:] = self._selection_matrix_motion_task @ self._motion_p_gains_task[:] self._motion_d_gains_task = torch.diag_embed( 2 * torch.diagonal(self._motion_p_gains_task, dim1=-2, dim2=-1).sqrt() * torch.as_tensor(self.cfg.motion_damping_ratio_task, dtype=torch.float, device=self._device).reshape( 1, -1 ) ) elif self.cfg.impedance_mode == "variable": # split input command task_space_command, stiffness, damping_ratio = torch.split(command, [self.target_dim, 6, 6], dim=-1) # format command stiffness = stiffness.clip_( min=self._motion_p_gains_limits[..., 0], max=self._motion_p_gains_limits[..., 1] ) damping_ratio = damping_ratio.clip_( min=self._motion_damping_ratio_limits[..., 0], max=self._motion_damping_ratio_limits[..., 1] ) # task space targets + stiffness + damping self._task_space_target_task[:] = task_space_command self._motion_p_gains_task[:] = torch.diag_embed(stiffness) self._motion_p_gains_task[:] = self._selection_matrix_motion_task @ self._motion_p_gains_task[:] self._motion_d_gains_task[:] = torch.diag_embed( 2 * torch.diagonal(self._motion_p_gains_task, dim1=-2, dim2=-1).sqrt() * damping_ratio ) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid impedance mode: {self.cfg.impedance_mode}.") if current_task_frame_pose_b is None: current_task_frame_pose_b = torch.tensor( [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]] * self.num_envs, device=self._device ) # Resolve the target commands target_groups = torch.split(self._task_space_target_task, self.target_list, dim=1) for command_type, target in zip(self.cfg.target_types, target_groups): if command_type == "pose_rel": # check input is provided if current_ee_pose_b is None: raise ValueError("Current pose is required for 'pose_rel' command.") # Transform the current pose from base/root frame to task frame current_ee_pos_task, current_ee_rot_task = subtract_frame_transforms( current_task_frame_pose_b[:, :3], current_task_frame_pose_b[:, 3:], current_ee_pose_b[:, :3], current_ee_pose_b[:, 3:], ) # compute targets in task frame desired_ee_pos_task, desired_ee_rot_task = apply_delta_pose( current_ee_pos_task, current_ee_rot_task, target ) self.desired_ee_pose_task =[desired_ee_pos_task, desired_ee_rot_task], dim=-1) elif command_type == "pose_abs": # compute targets self.desired_ee_pose_task = target.clone() elif command_type == "wrench_abs": # compute targets self.desired_ee_wrench_task = target.clone() else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid control command: {command_type}.") # Rotation of task frame wrt root frame, converts a coordinate from task frame to root frame. R_task_b = matrix_from_quat(current_task_frame_pose_b[:, 3:]) # Rotation of root frame wrt task frame, converts a coordinate from root frame to task frame. R_b_task = R_task_b.mT # Transform motion control stiffness gains from task frame to root frame self._motion_p_gains_b[:, 0:3, 0:3] = R_task_b @ self._motion_p_gains_task[:, 0:3, 0:3] @ R_b_task self._motion_p_gains_b[:, 3:6, 3:6] = R_task_b @ self._motion_p_gains_task[:, 3:6, 3:6] @ R_b_task # Transform motion control damping gains from task frame to root frame self._motion_d_gains_b[:, 0:3, 0:3] = R_task_b @ self._motion_d_gains_task[:, 0:3, 0:3] @ R_b_task self._motion_d_gains_b[:, 3:6, 3:6] = R_task_b @ self._motion_d_gains_task[:, 3:6, 3:6] @ R_b_task # Transform contact wrench gains from task frame to root frame (if applicable) if self._contact_wrench_p_gains_task is not None and self._contact_wrench_p_gains_b is not None: self._contact_wrench_p_gains_b[:, 0:3, 0:3] = ( R_task_b @ self._contact_wrench_p_gains_task[:, 0:3, 0:3] @ R_b_task ) self._contact_wrench_p_gains_b[:, 3:6, 3:6] = ( R_task_b @ self._contact_wrench_p_gains_task[:, 3:6, 3:6] @ R_b_task ) # Transform selection matrices from target frame to base frame self._selection_matrix_motion_b[:, 0:3, 0:3] = ( R_task_b @ self._selection_matrix_motion_task[:, 0:3, 0:3] @ R_b_task ) self._selection_matrix_motion_b[:, 3:6, 3:6] = ( R_task_b @ self._selection_matrix_motion_task[:, 3:6, 3:6] @ R_b_task ) self._selection_matrix_force_b[:, 0:3, 0:3] = ( R_task_b @ self._selection_matrix_force_task[:, 0:3, 0:3] @ R_b_task ) self._selection_matrix_force_b[:, 3:6, 3:6] = ( R_task_b @ self._selection_matrix_force_task[:, 3:6, 3:6] @ R_b_task ) # Transform desired pose from task frame to root frame if self.desired_ee_pose_task is not None: self.desired_ee_pose_b = torch.zeros_like(self.desired_ee_pose_task) self.desired_ee_pose_b[:, :3], self.desired_ee_pose_b[:, 3:] = combine_frame_transforms( current_task_frame_pose_b[:, :3], current_task_frame_pose_b[:, 3:], self.desired_ee_pose_task[:, :3], self.desired_ee_pose_task[:, 3:], ) # Transform desired wrenches to root frame if self.desired_ee_wrench_task is not None: self.desired_ee_wrench_b = torch.zeros_like(self.desired_ee_wrench_task) self.desired_ee_wrench_b[:, :3] = (R_task_b @ self.desired_ee_wrench_task[:, :3].unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) self.desired_ee_wrench_b[:, 3:] = (R_task_b @ self.desired_ee_wrench_task[:, 3:].unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze( -1 ) + torch.cross(current_task_frame_pose_b[:, :3], self.desired_ee_wrench_b[:, :3], dim=-1)
[docs] def compute( self, jacobian_b: torch.Tensor, current_ee_pose_b: torch.Tensor | None = None, current_ee_vel_b: torch.Tensor | None = None, current_ee_force_b: torch.Tensor | None = None, mass_matrix: torch.Tensor | None = None, gravity: torch.Tensor | None = None, current_joint_pos: torch.Tensor | None = None, current_joint_vel: torch.Tensor | None = None, nullspace_joint_pos_target: torch.Tensor | None = None, ) -> torch.Tensor: """Performs inference with the controller. Args: jacobian_b: The Jacobian matrix of the end-effector in root frame. It is a tensor of shape (``num_envs``, 6, ``num_DoF``). current_ee_pose_b: The current end-effector pose in root frame. It is a tensor of shape (``num_envs``, 7), which contains the position and quaternion ``(w, x, y, z)``. Defaults to ``None``. current_ee_vel_b: The current end-effector velocity in root frame. It is a tensor of shape (``num_envs``, 6), which contains the linear and angular velocities. Defaults to None. current_ee_force_b: The current external force on the end-effector in root frame. It is a tensor of shape (``num_envs``, 3), which contains the linear force. Defaults to ``None``. mass_matrix: The joint-space mass/inertia matrix. It is a tensor of shape (``num_envs``, ``num_DoF``, ``num_DoF``). Defaults to ``None``. gravity: The joint-space gravity vector. It is a tensor of shape (``num_envs``, ``num_DoF``). Defaults to ``None``. current_joint_pos: The current joint positions. It is a tensor of shape (``num_envs``, ``num_DoF``). Defaults to ``None``. current_joint_vel: The current joint velocities. It is a tensor of shape (``num_envs``, ``num_DoF``). Defaults to ``None``. nullspace_joint_pos_target: The target joint positions the null space controller is trying to enforce, when possible. It is a tensor of shape (``num_envs``, ``num_DoF``). Raises: ValueError: When motion-control is enabled but the current end-effector pose or velocity is not provided. ValueError: When inertial dynamics decoupling is enabled but the mass matrix is not provided. ValueError: When the current end-effector pose is not provided for the ``pose_rel`` command. ValueError: When closed-loop force control is enabled but the current end-effector force is not provided. ValueError: When gravity compensation is enabled but the gravity vector is not provided. ValueError: When null-space control is enabled but the system is not redundant. ValueError: When dynamically consistent pseudo-inverse is enabled but the mass matrix inverse is not provided. ValueError: When null-space control is enabled but the current joint positions and velocities are not provided. ValueError: When target joint positions are provided for null-space control but their dimensions do not match the current joint positions. ValueError: When an invalid null-space control method is provided. Returns: Tensor: The joint efforts computed by the controller. It is a tensor of shape (``num_envs``, ``num_DoF``). """ # deduce number of DoF num_DoF = jacobian_b.shape[2] # create joint effort vector joint_efforts = torch.zeros(self.num_envs, num_DoF, device=self._device) # compute joint efforts for motion-control if self.desired_ee_pose_b is not None: # check input is provided if current_ee_pose_b is None or current_ee_vel_b is None: raise ValueError("Current end-effector pose and velocity are required for motion control.") # -- end-effector tracking error pose_error_b = compute_pose_error( current_ee_pose_b[:, :3], current_ee_pose_b[:, 3:], self.desired_ee_pose_b[:, :3], self.desired_ee_pose_b[:, 3:], rot_error_type="axis_angle", ), dim=-1, ) velocity_error_b = -current_ee_vel_b # zero target velocity. The target is assumed to be stationary. # -- desired end-effector acceleration (spring-damper system) des_ee_acc_b = self._motion_p_gains_b @ pose_error_b.unsqueeze( -1 ) + self._motion_d_gains_b @ velocity_error_b.unsqueeze(-1) # -- Inertial dynamics decoupling if self.cfg.inertial_dynamics_decoupling: # check input is provided if mass_matrix is None: raise ValueError("Mass matrix is required for inertial decoupling.") # Compute operational space mass matrix self._mass_matrix_inv = torch.inverse(mass_matrix) if self.cfg.partial_inertial_dynamics_decoupling: # Fill in the translational and rotational parts of the inertia separately, ignoring their coupling self._os_mass_matrix_b[:, 0:3, 0:3] = torch.inverse( jacobian_b[:, 0:3] @ self._mass_matrix_inv @ jacobian_b[:, 0:3].mT ) self._os_mass_matrix_b[:, 3:6, 3:6] = torch.inverse( jacobian_b[:, 3:6] @ self._mass_matrix_inv @ jacobian_b[:, 3:6].mT ) else: # Calculate the operational space mass matrix fully accounting for the couplings self._os_mass_matrix_b[:] = torch.inverse(jacobian_b @ self._mass_matrix_inv @ jacobian_b.mT) # (Generalized) operational space command forces # F = (J M^(-1) J^T)^(-1) * \ddot(x_des) = M_task * \ddot(x_des) os_command_forces_b = self._os_mass_matrix_b @ des_ee_acc_b else: # Task-space impedance control: command forces = \ddot(x_des). # Please note that the definition of task-space impedance control varies in literature. # This implementation ignores the inertial term. For inertial decoupling, # use inertial_dynamics_decoupling=True. os_command_forces_b = des_ee_acc_b # -- joint-space commands joint_efforts += (jacobian_b.mT @ self._selection_matrix_motion_b @ os_command_forces_b).squeeze(-1) # compute joint efforts for contact wrench/force control if self.desired_ee_wrench_b is not None: # -- task-space contact wrench if self.cfg.contact_wrench_stiffness_task is not None: # check input is provided if current_ee_force_b is None: raise ValueError("Current end-effector force is required for closed-loop force control.") # We can only measure the force component at the contact, so only apply the feedback for only the force # component, keep the control of moment components open loop self._ee_contact_wrench_b[:, 0:3] = current_ee_force_b self._ee_contact_wrench_b[:, 3:6] = self.desired_ee_wrench_b[:, 3:6] # closed-loop control with feedforward term os_contact_wrench_command_b = self.desired_ee_wrench_b.unsqueeze( -1 ) + self._contact_wrench_p_gains_b @ (self.desired_ee_wrench_b - self._ee_contact_wrench_b).unsqueeze( -1 ) else: # open-loop control os_contact_wrench_command_b = self.desired_ee_wrench_b.unsqueeze(-1) # -- joint-space commands joint_efforts += (jacobian_b.mT @ self._selection_matrix_force_b @ os_contact_wrench_command_b).squeeze(-1) # add gravity compensation (bias correction) if self.cfg.gravity_compensation: # check input is provided if gravity is None: raise ValueError("Gravity vector is required for gravity compensation.") # add gravity compensation joint_efforts += gravity # Add null-space control # -- Free null-space control if self.cfg.nullspace_control == "none": # No additional control is applied in the null space. pass else: # Check if the system is redundant if num_DoF <= 6: raise ValueError("Null-space control is only applicable for redundant manipulators.") # Calculate the pseudo-inverse of the Jacobian if self.cfg.inertial_dynamics_decoupling and not self.cfg.partial_inertial_dynamics_decoupling: # Dynamically consistent pseudo-inverse allows decoupling of null space and task space if self._mass_matrix_inv is None or mass_matrix is None: raise ValueError("Mass matrix inverse is required for dynamically consistent pseudo-inverse") jacobian_pinv_transpose = self._os_mass_matrix_b @ jacobian_b @ self._mass_matrix_inv else: # Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse if full inertia matrix is not available (e.g., no/partial decoupling) jacobian_pinv_transpose = torch.pinverse(jacobian_b).mT # Calculate the null-space projector nullspace_jacobian_transpose = ( torch.eye(n=num_DoF, device=self._device) - jacobian_b.mT @ jacobian_pinv_transpose ) # Null space position control if self.cfg.nullspace_control == "position": # Check if the current joint positions and velocities are provided if current_joint_pos is None or current_joint_vel is None: raise ValueError("Current joint positions and velocities are required for null-space control.") # Calculate the joint errors for nullspace position control if nullspace_joint_pos_target is None: nullspace_joint_pos_target = torch.zeros_like(current_joint_pos) # Check if the dimensions of the target nullspace joint positions match the current joint positions elif nullspace_joint_pos_target.shape != current_joint_pos.shape: raise ValueError( f"The target nullspace joint positions shape '{nullspace_joint_pos_target.shape}' does not" f"match the current joint positions shape '{current_joint_pos.shape}'." ) joint_pos_error_nullspace = nullspace_joint_pos_target - current_joint_pos joint_vel_error_nullspace = -current_joint_vel # Calculate the desired joint accelerations joint_acc_nullspace = ( self._nullspace_p_gain * joint_pos_error_nullspace + self._nullspace_d_gain * joint_vel_error_nullspace ).unsqueeze(-1) # Calculate the projected torques in null-space if mass_matrix is not None: tau_null = (nullspace_jacobian_transpose @ mass_matrix @ joint_acc_nullspace).squeeze(-1) else: tau_null = nullspace_jacobian_transpose @ joint_acc_nullspace # Add the null-space joint efforts to the total joint efforts joint_efforts += tau_null else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid null-space control method: {self.cfg.nullspace_control}.") return joint_efforts