Source code for isaaclab_rl.rsl_rl.rl_cfg

# Copyright (c) 2022-2025, The Isaac Lab Project Developers.
# All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

from dataclasses import MISSING
from typing import Literal

from isaaclab.utils import configclass

[docs]@configclass class RslRlPpoActorCriticCfg: """Configuration for the PPO actor-critic networks.""" class_name: str = "ActorCritic" """The policy class name. Default is ActorCritic.""" init_noise_std: float = MISSING """The initial noise standard deviation for the policy.""" actor_hidden_dims: list[int] = MISSING """The hidden dimensions of the actor network.""" critic_hidden_dims: list[int] = MISSING """The hidden dimensions of the critic network.""" activation: str = MISSING """The activation function for the actor and critic networks."""
[docs]@configclass class RslRlPpoAlgorithmCfg: """Configuration for the PPO algorithm.""" class_name: str = "PPO" """The algorithm class name. Default is PPO.""" value_loss_coef: float = MISSING """The coefficient for the value loss.""" use_clipped_value_loss: bool = MISSING """Whether to use clipped value loss.""" clip_param: float = MISSING """The clipping parameter for the policy.""" entropy_coef: float = MISSING """The coefficient for the entropy loss.""" num_learning_epochs: int = MISSING """The number of learning epochs per update.""" num_mini_batches: int = MISSING """The number of mini-batches per update.""" learning_rate: float = MISSING """The learning rate for the policy.""" schedule: str = MISSING """The learning rate schedule.""" gamma: float = MISSING """The discount factor.""" lam: float = MISSING """The lambda parameter for Generalized Advantage Estimation (GAE).""" desired_kl: float = MISSING """The desired KL divergence.""" max_grad_norm: float = MISSING """The maximum gradient norm."""
[docs]@configclass class RslRlOnPolicyRunnerCfg: """Configuration of the runner for on-policy algorithms.""" seed: int = 42 """The seed for the experiment. Default is 42.""" device: str = "cuda:0" """The device for the rl-agent. Default is cuda:0.""" num_steps_per_env: int = MISSING """The number of steps per environment per update.""" max_iterations: int = MISSING """The maximum number of iterations.""" empirical_normalization: bool = MISSING """Whether to use empirical normalization.""" policy: RslRlPpoActorCriticCfg = MISSING """The policy configuration.""" algorithm: RslRlPpoAlgorithmCfg = MISSING """The algorithm configuration.""" ## # Checkpointing parameters ## save_interval: int = MISSING """The number of iterations between saves.""" experiment_name: str = MISSING """The experiment name.""" run_name: str = "" """The run name. Default is empty string. The name of the run directory is typically the time-stamp at execution. If the run name is not empty, then it is appended to the run directory's name, i.e. the logging directory's name will become ``{time-stamp}_{run_name}``. """ ## # Logging parameters ## logger: Literal["tensorboard", "neptune", "wandb"] = "tensorboard" """The logger to use. Default is tensorboard.""" neptune_project: str = "isaaclab" """The neptune project name. Default is "isaaclab".""" wandb_project: str = "isaaclab" """The wandb project name. Default is "isaaclab".""" ## # Loading parameters ## resume: bool = False """Whether to resume. Default is False.""" load_run: str = ".*" """The run directory to load. Default is ".*" (all). If regex expression, the latest (alphabetical order) matching run will be loaded. """ load_checkpoint: str = "model_.*.pt" """The checkpoint file to load. Default is ``"model_.*.pt"`` (all). If regex expression, the latest (alphabetical order) matching file will be loaded. """