Source code for isaaclab.terrains.terrain_importer_cfg

# Copyright (c) 2022-2025, The Isaac Lab Project Developers.
# All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import MISSING
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Literal

import isaaclab.sim as sim_utils
from isaaclab.utils import configclass

from .terrain_importer import TerrainImporter

    from .terrain_generator_cfg import TerrainGeneratorCfg

[docs]@configclass class TerrainImporterCfg: """Configuration for the terrain manager.""" class_type: type = TerrainImporter """The class to use for the terrain importer. Defaults to :class:`isaaclab.terrains.terrain_importer.TerrainImporter`. """ collision_group: int = -1 """The collision group of the terrain. Defaults to -1.""" prim_path: str = MISSING """The absolute path of the USD terrain prim. All sub-terrains are imported relative to this prim path. """ num_envs: int = 1 """The number of environment origins to consider. Defaults to 1. In case, the :class:`~isaaclab.scene.InteractiveSceneCfg` is used, this parameter gets overridden by :attr:`isaaclab.scene.InteractiveSceneCfg.num_envs` attribute. """ terrain_type: Literal["generator", "plane", "usd"] = "generator" """The type of terrain to generate. Defaults to "generator". Available options are "plane", "usd", and "generator". """ terrain_generator: TerrainGeneratorCfg | None = None """The terrain generator configuration. Only used if ``terrain_type`` is set to "generator". """ usd_path: str | None = None """The path to the USD file containing the terrain. Only used if ``terrain_type`` is set to "usd". """ env_spacing: float | None = None """The spacing between environment origins when defined in a grid. Defaults to None. Note: This parameter is used only when the ``terrain_type`` is "plane" or "usd". """ visual_material: sim_utils.VisualMaterialCfg | None = sim_utils.PreviewSurfaceCfg( diffuse_color=(0.065, 0.0725, 0.080) ) """The visual material of the terrain. Defaults to a dark gray color material. This parameter is used for both the "generator" and "plane" terrains. - If the ``terrain_type`` is "generator", then the material is created at the path ``{prim_path}/visualMaterial`` and applied to all the sub-terrains. - If the ``terrain_type`` is "plane", then the diffuse color of the material is set to to the grid color of the imported ground plane. """ physics_material: sim_utils.RigidBodyMaterialCfg = sim_utils.RigidBodyMaterialCfg() """The physics material of the terrain. Defaults to a default physics material. The material is created at the path: ``{prim_path}/physicsMaterial``. .. note:: This parameter is used only when the ``terrain_type`` is "generator" or "plane". """ max_init_terrain_level: int | None = None """The maximum initial terrain level for defining environment origins. Defaults to None. The terrain levels are specified by the number of rows in the grid arrangement of sub-terrains. If None, then the initial terrain level is set to the maximum terrain level available (``num_rows - 1``). Note: This parameter is used only when sub-terrain origins are defined. """ debug_vis: bool = False """Whether to enable visualization of terrain origins for the terrain. Defaults to False."""