Source code for isaaclab.terrains.height_field.hf_terrains_cfg

# Copyright (c) 2022-2025, The Isaac Lab Project Developers.
# All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

from dataclasses import MISSING

from isaaclab.utils import configclass

from ..terrain_generator_cfg import SubTerrainBaseCfg
from . import hf_terrains

[docs]@configclass class HfTerrainBaseCfg(SubTerrainBaseCfg): """The base configuration for height field terrains.""" border_width: float = 0.0 """The width of the border/padding around the terrain (in m). Defaults to 0.0. The border width is subtracted from the :obj:`size` of the terrain. If non-zero, it must be greater than or equal to the :obj:`horizontal scale`. """ horizontal_scale: float = 0.1 """The discretization of the terrain along the x and y axes (in m). Defaults to 0.1.""" vertical_scale: float = 0.005 """The discretization of the terrain along the z axis (in m). Defaults to 0.005.""" slope_threshold: float | None = None """The slope threshold above which surfaces are made vertical. Defaults to None, in which case no correction is applied."""
""" Different height field terrain configurations. """
[docs]@configclass class HfRandomUniformTerrainCfg(HfTerrainBaseCfg): """Configuration for a random uniform height field terrain.""" function = hf_terrains.random_uniform_terrain noise_range: tuple[float, float] = MISSING """The minimum and maximum height noise (i.e. along z) of the terrain (in m).""" noise_step: float = MISSING """The minimum height (in m) change between two points.""" downsampled_scale: float | None = None """The distance between two randomly sampled points on the terrain. Defaults to None, in which case the :obj:`horizontal scale` is used. The heights are sampled at this resolution and interpolation is performed for intermediate points. This must be larger than or equal to the :obj:`horizontal scale`. """
[docs]@configclass class HfPyramidSlopedTerrainCfg(HfTerrainBaseCfg): """Configuration for a pyramid sloped height field terrain.""" function = hf_terrains.pyramid_sloped_terrain slope_range: tuple[float, float] = MISSING """The slope of the terrain (in radians).""" platform_width: float = 1.0 """The width of the square platform at the center of the terrain. Defaults to 1.0.""" inverted: bool = False """Whether the pyramid is inverted. Defaults to False. If True, the terrain is inverted such that the platform is at the bottom and the slopes are upwards. """
[docs]@configclass class HfInvertedPyramidSlopedTerrainCfg(HfPyramidSlopedTerrainCfg): """Configuration for an inverted pyramid sloped height field terrain. Note: This is a subclass of :class:`HfPyramidSlopedTerrainCfg` with :obj:`inverted` set to True. We make it as a separate class to make it easier to distinguish between the two and match the naming convention of the other terrains. """ inverted: bool = True
[docs]@configclass class HfPyramidStairsTerrainCfg(HfTerrainBaseCfg): """Configuration for a pyramid stairs height field terrain.""" function = hf_terrains.pyramid_stairs_terrain step_height_range: tuple[float, float] = MISSING """The minimum and maximum height of the steps (in m).""" step_width: float = MISSING """The width of the steps (in m).""" platform_width: float = 1.0 """The width of the square platform at the center of the terrain. Defaults to 1.0.""" inverted: bool = False """Whether the pyramid stairs is inverted. Defaults to False. If True, the terrain is inverted such that the platform is at the bottom and the stairs are upwards. """
[docs]@configclass class HfInvertedPyramidStairsTerrainCfg(HfPyramidStairsTerrainCfg): """Configuration for an inverted pyramid stairs height field terrain. Note: This is a subclass of :class:`HfPyramidStairsTerrainCfg` with :obj:`inverted` set to True. We make it as a separate class to make it easier to distinguish between the two and match the naming convention of the other terrains. """ inverted: bool = True
[docs]@configclass class HfDiscreteObstaclesTerrainCfg(HfTerrainBaseCfg): """Configuration for a discrete obstacles height field terrain.""" function = hf_terrains.discrete_obstacles_terrain obstacle_height_mode: str = "choice" """The mode to use for the obstacle height. Defaults to "choice". The following modes are supported: "choice", "fixed". """ obstacle_width_range: tuple[float, float] = MISSING """The minimum and maximum width of the obstacles (in m).""" obstacle_height_range: tuple[float, float] = MISSING """The minimum and maximum height of the obstacles (in m).""" num_obstacles: int = MISSING """The number of obstacles to generate.""" platform_width: float = 1.0 """The width of the square platform at the center of the terrain. Defaults to 1.0."""
[docs]@configclass class HfWaveTerrainCfg(HfTerrainBaseCfg): """Configuration for a wave height field terrain.""" function = hf_terrains.wave_terrain amplitude_range: tuple[float, float] = MISSING """The minimum and maximum amplitude of the wave (in m).""" num_waves: int = 1.0 """The number of waves to generate. Defaults to 1.0."""
[docs]@configclass class HfSteppingStonesTerrainCfg(HfTerrainBaseCfg): """Configuration for a stepping stones height field terrain.""" function = hf_terrains.stepping_stones_terrain stone_height_max: float = MISSING """The maximum height of the stones (in m).""" stone_width_range: tuple[float, float] = MISSING """The minimum and maximum width of the stones (in m).""" stone_distance_range: tuple[float, float] = MISSING """The minimum and maximum distance between stones (in m).""" holes_depth: float = -10.0 """The depth of the holes (negative obstacles). Defaults to -10.0.""" platform_width: float = 1.0 """The width of the square platform at the center of the terrain. Defaults to 1.0."""