# Copyright (c) 2022-2025, The Isaac Lab Project Developers.
# All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""Base configuration of the environment.
This module defines the general configuration of the environment. It includes parameters for
configuring the environment instances, viewer settings, and simulation parameters.
from typing import Literal
from isaaclab.utils import configclass
from .spawners.materials import RigidBodyMaterialCfg
class PhysxCfg:
"""Configuration for PhysX solver-related parameters.
These parameters are used to configure the PhysX solver. For more information, see the `PhysX 5 SDK
PhysX 5 supports GPU-accelerated physics simulation. This is enabled by default, but can be disabled
by setting the :attr:`~SimulationCfg.device` to ``cpu`` in :class:`SimulationCfg`. Unlike CPU PhysX, the GPU
simulation feature is unable to dynamically grow all the buffers. Therefore, it is necessary to provide
a reasonable estimate of the buffer sizes for GPU features. If insufficient buffer sizes are provided, the
simulation will fail with errors and lead to adverse behaviors. The buffer sizes can be adjusted through the
``gpu_*`` parameters.
.. _PhysX 5 SDK documentation: https://nvidia-omniverse.github.io/PhysX/physx/5.4.1/_api_build/classPxSceneDesc.html
solver_type: Literal[0, 1] = 1
"""The type of solver to use.Default is 1 (TGS).
Available solvers:
* :obj:`0`: PGS (Projective Gauss-Seidel)
* :obj:`1`: TGS (Truncated Gauss-Seidel)
min_position_iteration_count: int = 1
"""Minimum number of solver position iterations (rigid bodies, cloth, particles etc.). Default is 1.
.. note::
Each physics actor in Omniverse specifies its own solver iteration count. The solver takes
the number of iterations specified by the actor with the highest iteration and clamps it to
the range ``[min_position_iteration_count, max_position_iteration_count]``.
max_position_iteration_count: int = 255
"""Maximum number of solver position iterations (rigid bodies, cloth, particles etc.). Default is 255.
.. note::
Each physics actor in Omniverse specifies its own solver iteration count. The solver takes
the number of iterations specified by the actor with the highest iteration and clamps it to
the range ``[min_position_iteration_count, max_position_iteration_count]``.
min_velocity_iteration_count: int = 0
"""Minimum number of solver velocity iterations (rigid bodies, cloth, particles etc.). Default is 0.
.. note::
Each physics actor in Omniverse specifies its own solver iteration count. The solver takes
the number of iterations specified by the actor with the highest iteration and clamps it to
the range ``[min_velocity_iteration_count, max_velocity_iteration_count]``.
max_velocity_iteration_count: int = 255
"""Maximum number of solver velocity iterations (rigid bodies, cloth, particles etc.). Default is 255.
.. note::
Each physics actor in Omniverse specifies its own solver iteration count. The solver takes
the number of iterations specified by the actor with the highest iteration and clamps it to
the range ``[min_velocity_iteration_count, max_velocity_iteration_count]``.
enable_ccd: bool = False
"""Enable a second broad-phase pass that makes it possible to prevent objects from tunneling through each other.
Default is False."""
enable_stabilization: bool = True
"""Enable/disable additional stabilization pass in solver. Default is True."""
enable_enhanced_determinism: bool = False
"""Enable/disable improved determinism at the expense of performance. Defaults to False.
For more information on PhysX determinism, please check `here`_.
.. _here: https://nvidia-omniverse.github.io/PhysX/physx/5.4.1/docs/RigidBodyDynamics.html#enhanced-determinism
bounce_threshold_velocity: float = 0.5
"""Relative velocity threshold for contacts to bounce (in m/s). Default is 0.5 m/s."""
friction_offset_threshold: float = 0.04
"""Threshold for contact point to experience friction force (in m). Default is 0.04 m."""
friction_correlation_distance: float = 0.025
"""Distance threshold for merging contacts into a single friction anchor point (in m). Default is 0.025 m."""
gpu_max_rigid_contact_count: int = 2**23
"""Size of rigid contact stream buffer allocated in pinned host memory. Default is 2 ** 23."""
gpu_max_rigid_patch_count: int = 5 * 2**15
"""Size of the rigid contact patch stream buffer allocated in pinned host memory. Default is 5 * 2 ** 15."""
gpu_found_lost_pairs_capacity: int = 2**21
"""Capacity of found and lost buffers allocated in GPU global memory. Default is 2 ** 21.
This is used for the found/lost pair reports in the BP.
gpu_found_lost_aggregate_pairs_capacity: int = 2**25
"""Capacity of found and lost buffers in aggregate system allocated in GPU global memory.
Default is 2 ** 25.
This is used for the found/lost pair reports in AABB manager.
gpu_total_aggregate_pairs_capacity: int = 2**21
"""Capacity of total number of aggregate pairs allocated in GPU global memory. Default is 2 ** 21."""
gpu_collision_stack_size: int = 2**26
"""Size of the collision stack buffer allocated in pinned host memory. Default is 2 ** 26."""
gpu_heap_capacity: int = 2**26
"""Initial capacity of the GPU and pinned host memory heaps. Additional memory will be allocated
if more memory is required. Default is 2 ** 26."""
gpu_temp_buffer_capacity: int = 2**24
"""Capacity of temp buffer allocated in pinned host memory. Default is 2 ** 24."""
gpu_max_num_partitions: int = 8
"""Limitation for the partitions in the GPU dynamics pipeline. Default is 8.
This variable must be power of 2. A value greater than 32 is currently not supported. Range: (1, 32)
gpu_max_soft_body_contacts: int = 2**20
"""Size of soft body contacts stream buffer allocated in pinned host memory. Default is 2 ** 20."""
gpu_max_particle_contacts: int = 2**20
"""Size of particle contacts stream buffer allocated in pinned host memory. Default is 2 ** 20."""
class RenderCfg:
"""Configuration for Omniverse RTX Renderer.
These parameters are used to configure the Omniverse RTX Renderer.
For more information, see the `Omniverse RTX Renderer documentation`_.
.. _Omniverse RTX Renderer documentation: https://docs.omniverse.nvidia.com/materials-and-rendering/latest/rtx-renderer.html
enable_translucency: bool = False
"""Enables translucency for specular transmissive surfaces such as glass at the cost of some performance. Default is False."""
enable_reflections: bool = False
"""Enables reflections at the cost of some performance. Default is False."""
enable_global_illumination: bool = False
"""Enables Diffused Global Illumination at the cost of some performance. Default is False."""
antialiasing_mode: Literal["Off", "FXAA", "DLSS", "TAA", "DLAA"] = "DLSS"
"""Selects the anti-aliasing mode to use. Defaults to DLSS.
- DLSS: Boosts performance by using AI to output higher resolution frames from a lower resolution input. DLSS samples multiple lower resolution images and uses motion data and feedback from prior frames to reconstruct native quality images.
- DLAA: Provides higher image quality with an AI-based anti-aliasing technique. DLAA uses the same Super Resolution technology developed for DLSS, reconstructing a native resolution image to maximize image quality."""
enable_dlssg: bool = False
""""Enables the use of DLSS-G.
DLSS Frame Generation boosts performance by using AI to generate more frames.
DLSS analyzes sequential frames and motion data to create additional high quality frames.
This feature requires an Ada Lovelace architecture GPU.
Enabling this feature also enables additional thread-related activities, which can hurt performance.
Default is False."""
enable_dl_denoiser: bool = False
"""Enables the use of a DL denoiser.
The DL denoiser can help improve the quality of renders, but comes at a cost of performance.
dlss_mode: Literal[0, 1, 2, 3] = 0
"""For DLSS anti-aliasing, selects the performance/quality tradeoff mode.
Valid values are 0 (Performance), 1 (Balanced), 2 (Quality), or 3 (Auto). Default is 0."""
enable_direct_lighting: bool = True
"""Enable direct light contributions from lights."""
samples_per_pixel: int = 1
"""Defines the Direct Lighting samples per pixel.
Higher values increase the direct lighting quality at the cost of performance. Default is 1."""
enable_shadows: bool = True
"""Enables shadows at the cost of performance. When disabled, lights will not cast shadows. Defaults to True."""
enable_ambient_occlusion: bool = False
"""Enables ambient occlusion at the cost of some performance. Default is False."""
class SimulationCfg:
"""Configuration for simulation physics."""
physics_prim_path: str = "/physicsScene"
"""The prim path where the USD PhysicsScene is created. Default is "/physicsScene"."""
device: str = "cuda:0"
"""The device to run the simulation on. Default is ``"cuda:0"``.
Valid options are:
- ``"cpu"``: Use CPU.
- ``"cuda"``: Use GPU, where the device ID is inferred from :class:`~isaaclab.app.AppLauncher`'s config.
- ``"cuda:N"``: Use GPU, where N is the device ID. For example, "cuda:0".
dt: float = 1.0 / 60.0
"""The physics simulation time-step (in seconds). Default is 0.0167 seconds."""
render_interval: int = 1
"""The number of physics simulation steps per rendering step. Default is 1."""
gravity: tuple[float, float, float] = (0.0, 0.0, -9.81)
"""The gravity vector (in m/s^2). Default is (0.0, 0.0, -9.81).
If set to (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), gravity is disabled.
enable_scene_query_support: bool = False
"""Enable/disable scene query support for collision shapes. Default is False.
This flag allows performing collision queries (raycasts, sweeps, and overlaps) on actors and
attached shapes in the scene. This is useful for implementing custom collision detection logic
outside of the physics engine.
If set to False, the physics engine does not create the scene query manager and the scene query
functionality will not be available. However, this provides some performance speed-up.
This flag is overridden to True inside the :class:`SimulationContext` class when running the simulation
with the GUI enabled. This is to allow certain GUI features to work properly.
use_fabric: bool = True
"""Enable/disable reading of physics buffers directly. Default is True.
When running the simulation, updates in the states in the scene is normally synchronized with USD.
This leads to an overhead in reading the data and does not scale well with massive parallelization.
This flag allows disabling the synchronization and reading the data directly from the physics buffers.
It is recommended to set this flag to :obj:`True` when running the simulation with a large number
of primitives in the scene.
When enabled, the GUI will not update the physics parameters in real-time. To enable real-time
updates, please set this flag to :obj:`False`.
physx: PhysxCfg = PhysxCfg()
"""PhysX solver settings. Default is PhysxCfg()."""
physics_material: RigidBodyMaterialCfg = RigidBodyMaterialCfg()
"""Default physics material settings for rigid bodies. Default is RigidBodyMaterialCfg().
The physics engine defaults to this physics material for all the rigid body prims that do not have any
physics material specified on them.
The material is created at the path: ``{physics_prim_path}/defaultMaterial``.
render: RenderCfg = RenderCfg()
"""Render settings. Default is RenderCfg()."""