Source code for isaaclab.sim.converters.urdf_converter_cfg

# Copyright (c) 2022-2025, The Isaac Lab Project Developers.
# All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

from dataclasses import MISSING
from typing import Literal

from isaaclab.sim.converters.asset_converter_base_cfg import AssetConverterBaseCfg
from isaaclab.utils import configclass

[docs]@configclass class UrdfConverterCfg(AssetConverterBaseCfg): """The configuration class for UrdfConverter."""
[docs] @configclass class JointDriveCfg: """Configuration for the joint drive."""
[docs] @configclass class PDGainsCfg: """Configuration for the PD gains of the drive.""" stiffness: dict[str, float] | float = MISSING """The stiffness of the joint drive in Nm/rad or N/rad. If None, the stiffness is set to the value parsed from the URDF file. If :attr:`~UrdfConverterCfg.JointDriveCfg.target_type` is set to ``"velocity"``, this value determines the drive strength in joint velocity space. """ damping: dict[str, float] | float | None = None """The damping of the joint drive in Nm/(rad/s) or N/(rad/s). Defaults to None. If None, the damping is set to the value parsed from the URDF file or 0.0 if no value is found in the URDF. If :attr:`~UrdfConverterCfg.JointDriveCfg.target_type` is set to ``"velocity"``, this attribute is set to 0.0 and :attr:`stiffness` serves as the drive's strength in joint velocity space. """
[docs] @configclass class NaturalFrequencyGainsCfg: r"""Configuration for the natural frequency gains of the drive. Computes the joint drive stiffness and damping based on the desired natural frequency using the formula: :math:`P = m \cdot f^2`, :math:`D = 2 \cdot r \cdot f \cdot m` where :math:`f` is the natural frequency, :math:`r` is the damping ratio, and :math:`m` is the total equivalent inertia at the joint. The damping ratio is such that: * :math:`r = 1.0` is a critically damped system, * :math:`r < 1.0` is underdamped, * :math:`r > 1.0` is overdamped. """ natural_frequency: dict[str, float] | float = MISSING """The natural frequency of the joint drive. If :attr:`~UrdfConverterCfg.JointDriveCfg.target_type` is set to ``"velocity"``, this value determines the drive's natural frequency in joint velocity space. """ damping_ratio: dict[str, float] | float = 0.005 """The damping ratio of the joint drive. Defaults to 0.005. If :attr:`~UrdfConverterCfg.JointDriveCfg.target_type` is set to ``"velocity"``, this value is ignored and only :attr:`natural_frequency` is used. """
drive_type: dict[str, Literal["acceleration", "force"]] | Literal["acceleration", "force"] = "force" """The drive type used for the joint. Defaults to ``"force"``. * ``"acceleration"``: The joint drive normalizes the inertia before applying the joint effort so it's invariant to inertia and mass changes (equivalent to ideal damped oscillator). * ``"force"``: Applies effort through forces, so is subject to variations on the body inertia. """ target_type: dict[str, Literal["none", "position", "velocity"]] | Literal["none", "position", "velocity"] = ( "position" ) """The drive target type used for the joint. Defaults to ``"position"``. If the target type is set to ``"none"``, the joint stiffness and damping are set to 0.0. """ gains: PDGainsCfg | NaturalFrequencyGainsCfg = PDGainsCfg() """The drive gains configuration."""
fix_base: bool = MISSING """Create a fix joint to the root/base link.""" root_link_name: str | None = None """The name of the root link. Defaults to None. If None, the root link will be set by PhysX. """ link_density: float = 0.0 """Default density in ``kg/m^3`` for links whose ``"inertial"`` properties are missing in the URDF. Defaults to 0.0.""" merge_fixed_joints: bool = True """Consolidate links that are connected by fixed joints. Defaults to True.""" convert_mimic_joints_to_normal_joints: bool = False """Convert mimic joints to normal joints. Defaults to False.""" joint_drive: JointDriveCfg | None = JointDriveCfg() """The joint drive settings. Defaults to :class:`JointDriveCfg`. The parameter can be set to ``None`` for URDFs without joints. """ collision_from_visuals = False """Whether to create collision geometry from visual geometry. Defaults to False.""" collider_type: Literal["convex_hull", "convex_decomposition"] = "convex_hull" """The collision shape simplification. Defaults to "convex_hull". Supported values are: * ``"convex_hull"``: The collision shape is simplified to a convex hull. * ``"convex_decomposition"``: The collision shape is decomposed into smaller convex shapes for a closer fit. """ self_collision: bool = False """Activate self-collisions between links of the articulation. Defaults to False.""" replace_cylinders_with_capsules: bool = False """Replace cylinder shapes with capsule shapes. Defaults to False."""