Source code for isaaclab.assets.articulation.articulation_data
# Copyright (c) 2022-2025, The Isaac Lab Project Developers.# All rights reserved.## SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clauseimporttorchimportweakrefimportomni.physics.tensors.impl.apiasphysximportisaaclab.utils.mathasmath_utilsfromisaaclab.utils.buffersimportTimestampedBuffer
[docs]classArticulationData:"""Data container for an articulation. This class contains the data for an articulation in the simulation. The data includes the state of the root rigid body, the state of all the bodies in the articulation, and the joint state. The data is stored in the simulation world frame unless otherwise specified. An articulation is comprised of multiple rigid bodies or links. For a rigid body, there are two frames of reference that are used: - Actor frame: The frame of reference of the rigid body prim. This typically corresponds to the Xform prim with the rigid body schema. - Center of mass frame: The frame of reference of the center of mass of the rigid body. Depending on the settings, the two frames may not coincide with each other. In the robotics sense, the actor frame can be interpreted as the link frame. """def__init__(self,root_physx_view:physx.ArticulationView,device:str):"""Initializes the articulation data. Args: root_physx_view: The root articulation view. device: The device used for processing. """# Set the parametersself.device=device# Set the root articulation view# note: this is stored as a weak reference to avoid circular references between the asset class# and the data container. This is important to avoid memory leaks.self._root_physx_view:physx.ArticulationView=weakref.proxy(root_physx_view)# Set initial time stampself._sim_timestamp=0.0# Obtain global physics sim viewself._physics_sim_view=physx.create_simulation_view("torch")self._physics_sim_view.set_subspace_roots("/")gravity=self._physics_sim_view.get_gravity()# Convert to direction vectorgravity_dir=torch.tensor((gravity[0],gravity[1],gravity[2]),device=self.device)gravity_dir=math_utils.normalize(gravity_dir.unsqueeze(0)).squeeze(0)# Initialize constantsself.GRAVITY_VEC_W=gravity_dir.repeat(self._root_physx_view.count,1)self.FORWARD_VEC_B=torch.tensor((1.0,0.0,0.0),device=self.device).repeat(self._root_physx_view.count,1)# Initialize history for finite differencingself._previous_joint_vel=self._root_physx_view.get_dof_velocities().clone()# Initialize the lazy buffers.self._root_state_w=TimestampedBuffer()self._root_link_state_w=TimestampedBuffer()self._root_com_state_w=TimestampedBuffer()self._body_state_w=TimestampedBuffer()self._body_link_state_w=TimestampedBuffer()self._body_com_state_w=TimestampedBuffer()self._body_acc_w=TimestampedBuffer()self._joint_pos=TimestampedBuffer()self._joint_acc=TimestampedBuffer()self._joint_vel=TimestampedBuffer()defupdate(self,dt:float):# update the simulation timestampself._sim_timestamp+=dt# Trigger an update of the joint acceleration buffer at a higher frequency# since we do finite differencing.self.joint_acc### Names.##body_names:list[str]=None"""Body names in the order parsed by the simulation view."""joint_names:list[str]=None"""Joint names in the order parsed by the simulation view."""fixed_tendon_names:list[str]=None"""Fixed tendon names in the order parsed by the simulation view."""### Defaults.##default_root_state:torch.Tensor=None"""Default root state ``[pos, quat, lin_vel, ang_vel]`` in local environment frame. Shape is (num_instances, 13). The position and quaternion are of the articulation root's actor frame. Meanwhile, the linear and angular velocities are of its center of mass frame. """default_mass:torch.Tensor=None"""Default mass read from the simulation. Shape is (num_instances, num_bodies)."""default_inertia:torch.Tensor=None"""Default inertia read from the simulation. Shape is (num_instances, num_bodies, 9). The inertia is the inertia tensor relative to the center of mass frame. The values are stored in the order :math:`[I_{xx}, I_{xy}, I_{xz}, I_{yx}, I_{yy}, I_{yz}, I_{zx}, I_{zy}, I_{zz}]`. """default_joint_pos:torch.Tensor=None"""Default joint positions of all joints. Shape is (num_instances, num_joints)."""default_joint_vel:torch.Tensor=None"""Default joint velocities of all joints. Shape is (num_instances, num_joints)."""default_joint_stiffness:torch.Tensor=None"""Default joint stiffness of all joints. Shape is (num_instances, num_joints)."""default_joint_damping:torch.Tensor=None"""Default joint damping of all joints. Shape is (num_instances, num_joints)."""default_joint_armature:torch.Tensor=None"""Default joint armature of all joints. Shape is (num_instances, num_joints)."""default_joint_friction:torch.Tensor=None"""Default joint friction of all joints. Shape is (num_instances, num_joints)."""default_joint_limits:torch.Tensor=None"""Default joint limits of all joints. Shape is (num_instances, num_joints, 2)."""default_fixed_tendon_stiffness:torch.Tensor=None"""Default tendon stiffness of all tendons. Shape is (num_instances, num_fixed_tendons)."""default_fixed_tendon_damping:torch.Tensor=None"""Default tendon damping of all tendons. Shape is (num_instances, num_fixed_tendons)."""default_fixed_tendon_limit_stiffness:torch.Tensor=None"""Default tendon limit stiffness of all tendons. Shape is (num_instances, num_fixed_tendons)."""default_fixed_tendon_rest_length:torch.Tensor=None"""Default tendon rest length of all tendons. Shape is (num_instances, num_fixed_tendons)."""default_fixed_tendon_offset:torch.Tensor=None"""Default tendon offset of all tendons. Shape is (num_instances, num_fixed_tendons)."""default_fixed_tendon_limit:torch.Tensor=None"""Default tendon limits of all tendons. Shape is (num_instances, num_fixed_tendons, 2)."""### Joint commands -- Set into simulation.##joint_pos_target:torch.Tensor=None"""Joint position targets commanded by the user. Shape is (num_instances, num_joints). For an implicit actuator model, the targets are directly set into the simulation. For an explicit actuator model, the targets are used to compute the joint torques (see :attr:`applied_torque`), which are then set into the simulation. """joint_vel_target:torch.Tensor=None"""Joint velocity targets commanded by the user. Shape is (num_instances, num_joints). For an implicit actuator model, the targets are directly set into the simulation. For an explicit actuator model, the targets are used to compute the joint torques (see :attr:`applied_torque`), which are then set into the simulation. """joint_effort_target:torch.Tensor=None"""Joint effort targets commanded by the user. Shape is (num_instances, num_joints). For an implicit actuator model, the targets are directly set into the simulation. For an explicit actuator model, the targets are used to compute the joint torques (see :attr:`applied_torque`), which are then set into the simulation. """### Joint commands -- Explicit actuators.##computed_torque:torch.Tensor=None"""Joint torques computed from the actuator model (before clipping). Shape is (num_instances, num_joints). This quantity is the raw torque output from the actuator mode, before any clipping is applied. It is exposed for users who want to inspect the computations inside the actuator model. For instance, to penalize the learning agent for a difference between the computed and applied torques. Note: The torques are zero for implicit actuator models. """applied_torque:torch.Tensor=None"""Joint torques applied from the actuator model (after clipping). Shape is (num_instances, num_joints). These torques are set into the simulation, after clipping the :attr:`computed_torque` based on the actuator model. Note: The torques are zero for implicit actuator models. """### Joint properties.##joint_stiffness:torch.Tensor=None"""Joint stiffness provided to simulation. Shape is (num_instances, num_joints)."""joint_damping:torch.Tensor=None"""Joint damping provided to simulation. Shape is (num_instances, num_joints)."""joint_limits:torch.Tensor=None"""Joint limits provided to simulation. Shape is (num_instances, num_joints, 2)."""joint_velocity_limits:torch.Tensor=None"""Joint maximum velocity provided to simulation. Shape is (num_instances, num_joints)."""### Fixed tendon properties.##fixed_tendon_stiffness:torch.Tensor=None"""Fixed tendon stiffness provided to simulation. Shape is (num_instances, num_fixed_tendons)."""fixed_tendon_damping:torch.Tensor=None"""Fixed tendon damping provided to simulation. Shape is (num_instances, num_fixed_tendons)."""fixed_tendon_limit_stiffness:torch.Tensor=None"""Fixed tendon limit stiffness provided to simulation. Shape is (num_instances, num_fixed_tendons)."""fixed_tendon_rest_length:torch.Tensor=None"""Fixed tendon rest length provided to simulation. Shape is (num_instances, num_fixed_tendons)."""fixed_tendon_offset:torch.Tensor=None"""Fixed tendon offset provided to simulation. Shape is (num_instances, num_fixed_tendons)."""fixed_tendon_limit:torch.Tensor=None"""Fixed tendon limits provided to simulation. Shape is (num_instances, num_fixed_tendons, 2)."""### Other Data.##soft_joint_pos_limits:torch.Tensor=None"""Joint positions limits for all joints. Shape is (num_instances, num_joints, 2)."""soft_joint_vel_limits:torch.Tensor=None"""Joint velocity limits for all joints. Shape is (num_instances, num_joints)."""gear_ratio:torch.Tensor=None"""Gear ratio for relating motor torques to applied Joint torques. Shape is (num_instances, num_joints)."""### Properties.##@propertydefroot_state_w(self):"""Root state ``[pos, quat, lin_vel, ang_vel]`` in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, 13). The position and quaternion are of the articulation root's actor frame relative to the world. Meanwhile, the linear and angular velocities are of the articulation root's center of mass frame. """ifself._root_state_w.timestamp<self._sim_timestamp:# read data from simulationpose=self._root_physx_view.get_root_transforms().clone()pose[:,3:7]=math_utils.convert_quat(pose[:,3:7],to="wxyz")velocity=self._root_physx_view.get_root_velocities()# set the buffer data and,velocity),dim=-1)"""Root state ``[pos, quat, lin_vel, ang_vel]`` in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, 13). The position, quaternion, and linear/angular velocity are of the articulation root's actor frame relative to the world. """ifself._root_link_state_w.timestamp<self._sim_timestamp:# read data from simulationpose=self._root_physx_view.get_root_transforms().clone()pose[:,3:7]=math_utils.convert_quat(pose[:,3:7],to="wxyz")velocity=self._root_physx_view.get_root_velocities().clone()# adjust linear velocity to link from center of massvelocity[:,:3]+=torch.linalg.cross(velocity[:,3:],math_utils.quat_rotate(pose[:,3:7],-self.com_pos_b[:,0,:]),dim=-1)# set the buffer data and,velocity),dim=-1)"""Root center of mass state ``[pos, quat, lin_vel, ang_vel]`` in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, 13). The position, quaternion, and linear/angular velocity are of the articulation root link's center of mass frame relative to the world. Center of mass frame is assumed to be the same orientation as the link rather than the orientation of the principle inertia. """ifself._root_com_state_w.timestamp<self._sim_timestamp:# read data from simulation (pose is of link)pose=self._root_physx_view.get_root_transforms().clone()pose[:,3:7]=math_utils.convert_quat(pose[:,3:7],to="wxyz")velocity=self._root_physx_view.get_root_velocities()# adjust pose to center of masspos,quat=math_utils.combine_frame_transforms(pose[:,:3],pose[:,3:7],self.com_pos_b[:,0,:],self.com_quat_b[:,0,:]),quat),dim=-1)# set the buffer data and,velocity),dim=-1)"""State of all bodies `[pos, quat, lin_vel, ang_vel]` in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, num_bodies, 13). The position and quaternion are of all the articulation links's actor frame. Meanwhile, the linear and angular velocities are of the articulation links's center of mass frame. """ifself._body_state_w.timestamp<self._sim_timestamp:self._physics_sim_view.update_articulations_kinematic()# read data from simulationposes=self._root_physx_view.get_link_transforms().clone()poses[...,3:7]=math_utils.convert_quat(poses[...,3:7],to="wxyz")velocities=self._root_physx_view.get_link_velocities()# set the buffer data and,velocities),dim=-1)"""State of all bodies' link frame`[pos, quat, lin_vel, ang_vel]` in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, num_bodies, 13). The position, quaternion, and linear/angular velocity are of the body's link frame relative to the world. """ifself._body_link_state_w.timestamp<self._sim_timestamp:self._physics_sim_view.update_articulations_kinematic()# read data from simulationpose=self._root_physx_view.get_link_transforms().clone()pose[...,3:7]=math_utils.convert_quat(pose[...,3:7],to="wxyz")velocity=self._root_physx_view.get_link_velocities()# adjust linear velocity to link from center of massvelocity[...,:3]+=torch.linalg.cross(velocity[...,3:],math_utils.quat_rotate(pose[...,3:7],-self.com_pos_b),dim=-1)# set the buffer data and,velocity),dim=-1)"""State of all bodies center of mass `[pos, quat, lin_vel, ang_vel]` in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, num_bodies, 13). The position, quaternion, and linear/angular velocity are of the body's center of mass frame relative to the world. Center of mass frame is assumed to be the same orientation as the link rather than the orientation of the principle inertia. """ifself._body_com_state_w.timestamp<self._sim_timestamp:self._physics_sim_view.update_articulations_kinematic()# read data from simulation (pose is of link)pose=self._root_physx_view.get_link_transforms().clone()pose[...,3:7]=math_utils.convert_quat(pose[...,3:7],to="wxyz")velocity=self._root_physx_view.get_link_velocities()# adjust pose to center of masspos,quat=math_utils.combine_frame_transforms(pose[...,:3],pose[...,3:7],self.com_pos_b,self.com_quat_b),quat),dim=-1)# set the buffer data and,velocity),dim=-1)"""Acceleration of all bodies (center of mass). Shape is (num_instances, num_bodies, 6). All values are relative to the world. """ifself._body_acc_w.timestamp<self._sim_timestamp:# read data from simulation and set the buffer data and"""Projection of the gravity direction on base frame. Shape is (num_instances, 3)."""returnmath_utils.quat_rotate_inverse(self.root_link_quat_w,self.GRAVITY_VEC_W)@propertydefheading_w(self):"""Yaw heading of the base frame (in radians). Shape is (num_instances,). Note: This quantity is computed by assuming that the forward-direction of the base frame is along x-direction, i.e. :math:`(1, 0, 0)`. """forward_w=math_utils.quat_apply(self.root_link_quat_w,self.FORWARD_VEC_B)returntorch.atan2(forward_w[:,1],forward_w[:,0])@propertydefjoint_pos(self):"""Joint positions of all joints. Shape is (num_instances, num_joints)."""ifself._joint_pos.timestamp<self._sim_timestamp:# read data from simulation and set the buffer data and"""Joint velocities of all joints. Shape is (num_instances, num_joints)."""ifself._joint_vel.timestamp<self._sim_timestamp:# read data from simulation and set the buffer data and"""Joint acceleration of all joints. Shape is (num_instances, num_joints)."""ifself._joint_acc.timestamp<self._sim_timestamp:# note: we use finite differencing to compute update the previous joint velocityself._previous_joint_vel[:] Derived properties.##@propertydefroot_pos_w(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Root position in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, 3). This quantity is the position of the actor frame of the articulation root relative to the world. """returnself.root_state_w[:,:3]@propertydefroot_quat_w(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Root orientation (w, x, y, z) in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, 4). This quantity is the orientation of the actor frame of the articulation root relative to the world. """returnself.root_state_w[:,3:7]@propertydefroot_vel_w(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Root velocity in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, 6). This quantity contains the linear and angular velocities of the articulation root's center of mass frame relative to the world. """returnself.root_state_w[:,7:13]@propertydefroot_lin_vel_w(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Root linear velocity in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, 3). This quantity is the linear velocity of the articulation root's center of mass frame relative to the world. """returnself.root_state_w[:,7:10]@propertydefroot_ang_vel_w(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Root angular velocity in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, 3). This quantity is the angular velocity of the articulation root's center of mass frame relative to the world. """returnself.root_state_w[:,10:13]@propertydefroot_lin_vel_b(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Root linear velocity in base frame. Shape is (num_instances, 3). This quantity is the linear velocity of the articulation root's center of mass frame relative to the world with respect to the articulation root's actor frame. """returnmath_utils.quat_rotate_inverse(self.root_quat_w,self.root_lin_vel_w)@propertydefroot_ang_vel_b(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Root angular velocity in base world frame. Shape is (num_instances, 3). This quantity is the angular velocity of the articulation root's center of mass frame relative to the world with respect to the articulation root's actor frame. """returnmath_utils.quat_rotate_inverse(self.root_quat_w,self.root_ang_vel_w)## Derived Root Link Frame Properties#@propertydefroot_link_pos_w(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Root link position in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, 3). This quantity is the position of the actor frame of the root rigid body relative to the world. """ifself._root_link_state_w.timestamp<self._sim_timestamp:# read data from simulation (pose is of link)pose=self._root_physx_view.get_root_transforms()returnpose[:,:3]returnself.root_link_state_w[:,:3]@propertydefroot_link_quat_w(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Root link orientation (w, x, y, z) in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, 4). This quantity is the orientation of the actor frame of the root rigid body. """ifself._root_link_state_w.timestamp<self._sim_timestamp:# read data from simulation (pose is of link)pose=self._root_physx_view.get_root_transforms().clone()pose[:,3:7]=math_utils.convert_quat(pose[:,3:7],to="wxyz")returnpose[:,3:7]returnself.root_link_state_w[:,3:7]@propertydefroot_link_vel_w(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Root link velocity in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, 6). This quantity contains the linear and angular velocities of the actor frame of the root rigid body relative to the world. """returnself.root_link_state_w[:,7:13]@propertydefroot_link_lin_vel_w(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Root linear velocity in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, 3). This quantity is the linear velocity of the root rigid body's actor frame relative to the world. """returnself.root_link_state_w[:,7:10]@propertydefroot_link_ang_vel_w(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Root link angular velocity in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, 3). This quantity is the angular velocity of the actor frame of the root rigid body relative to the world. """returnself.root_link_state_w[:,10:13]@propertydefroot_link_lin_vel_b(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Root link linear velocity in base frame. Shape is (num_instances, 3). This quantity is the linear velocity of the actor frame of the root rigid body frame with respect to the rigid body's actor frame. """returnmath_utils.quat_rotate_inverse(self.root_link_quat_w,self.root_link_lin_vel_w)@propertydefroot_link_ang_vel_b(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Root link angular velocity in base world frame. Shape is (num_instances, 3). This quantity is the angular velocity of the actor frame of the root rigid body frame with respect to the rigid body's actor frame. """returnmath_utils.quat_rotate_inverse(self.root_link_quat_w,self.root_link_ang_vel_w)## Root Center of Mass state properties#@propertydefroot_com_pos_w(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Root center of mass position in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, 3). This quantity is the position of the actor frame of the root rigid body relative to the world. """returnself.root_com_state_w[:,:3]@propertydefroot_com_quat_w(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Root center of mass orientation (w, x, y, z) in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, 4). This quantity is the orientation of the actor frame of the root rigid body relative to the world. """returnself.root_com_state_w[:,3:7]@propertydefroot_com_vel_w(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Root center of mass velocity in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, 6). This quantity contains the linear and angular velocities of the root rigid body's center of mass frame relative to the world. """ifself._root_com_state_w.timestamp<self._sim_timestamp:# read data from simulation (pose is of link)velocity=self._root_physx_view.get_root_velocities()returnvelocityreturnself.root_com_state_w[:,7:13]@propertydefroot_com_lin_vel_w(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Root center of mass linear velocity in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, 3). This quantity is the linear velocity of the root rigid body's center of mass frame relative to the world. """ifself._root_com_state_w.timestamp<self._sim_timestamp:# read data from simulation (pose is of link)velocity=self._root_physx_view.get_root_velocities()returnvelocity[:,0:3]returnself.root_com_state_w[:,7:10]@propertydefroot_com_ang_vel_w(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Root center of mass angular velocity in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, 3). This quantity is the angular velocity of the root rigid body's center of mass frame relative to the world. """ifself._root_com_state_w.timestamp<self._sim_timestamp:self._physics_sim_view.update_articulations_kinematic()# read data from simulation (pose is of link)velocity=self._root_physx_view.get_root_velocities()returnvelocity[:,3:6]returnself.root_com_state_w[:,10:13]@propertydefroot_com_lin_vel_b(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Root center of mass linear velocity in base frame. Shape is (num_instances, 3). This quantity is the linear velocity of the root rigid body's center of mass frame with respect to the rigid body's actor frame. """returnmath_utils.quat_rotate_inverse(self.root_link_quat_w,self.root_com_lin_vel_w)@propertydefroot_com_ang_vel_b(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Root center of mass angular velocity in base world frame. Shape is (num_instances, 3). This quantity is the angular velocity of the root rigid body's center of mass frame with respect to the rigid body's actor frame. """returnmath_utils.quat_rotate_inverse(self.root_link_quat_w,self.root_com_ang_vel_w)@propertydefbody_pos_w(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Positions of all bodies in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, num_bodies, 3). This quantity is the position of the rigid bodies' actor frame relative to the world. """returnself.body_state_w[...,:3]@propertydefbody_quat_w(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Orientation (w, x, y, z) of all bodies in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, num_bodies, 4). This quantity is the orientation of the rigid bodies' actor frame relative to the world. """returnself.body_state_w[...,3:7]@propertydefbody_vel_w(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Velocity of all bodies in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, num_bodies, 6). This quantity contains the linear and angular velocities of the rigid bodies' center of mass frame relative to the world. """returnself.body_state_w[...,7:13]@propertydefbody_lin_vel_w(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Linear velocity of all bodies in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, num_bodies, 3). This quantity is the linear velocity of the rigid bodies' center of mass frame relative to the world. """returnself.body_state_w[...,7:10]@propertydefbody_ang_vel_w(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Angular velocity of all bodies in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, num_bodies, 3). This quantity is the angular velocity of the rigid bodies' center of mass frame relative to the world. """returnself.body_state_w[...,10:13]@propertydefbody_lin_acc_w(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Linear acceleration of all bodies in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, num_bodies, 3). This quantity is the linear acceleration of the rigid bodies' center of mass frame relative to the world. """returnself.body_acc_w[...,0:3]@propertydefbody_ang_acc_w(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Angular acceleration of all bodies in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, num_bodies, 3). This quantity is the angular acceleration of the rigid bodies' center of mass frame relative to the world. """returnself.body_acc_w[...,3:6]## Link body properties#@propertydefbody_link_pos_w(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Positions of all bodies in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, num_bodies, 3). This quantity is the position of the rigid bodies' actor frame relative to the world. """ifself._body_link_state_w.timestamp<self._sim_timestamp:self._physics_sim_view.update_articulations_kinematic()# read data from simulationpose=self._root_physx_view.get_link_transforms()returnpose[...,:3][...,:3]@propertydefbody_link_quat_w(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Orientation (w, x, y, z) of all bodies in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, num_bodies, 4). This quantity is the orientation of the rigid bodies' actor frame relative to the world. """ifself._body_link_state_w.timestamp<self._sim_timestamp:self._physics_sim_view.update_articulations_kinematic()# read data from simulationpose=self._root_physx_view.get_link_transforms().clone()pose[...,3:7]=math_utils.convert_quat(pose[...,3:7],to="wxyz")returnpose[...,3:7]returnself.body_link_state_w[...,3:7]@propertydefbody_link_vel_w(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Velocity of all bodies in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, num_bodies, 6). This quantity contains the linear and angular velocities of the rigid bodies' center of mass frame relative to the world. """returnself.body_link_state_w[...,7:13]@propertydefbody_link_lin_vel_w(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Linear velocity of all bodies in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, num_bodies, 3). This quantity is the linear velocity of the rigid bodies' center of mass frame relative to the world. """returnself.body_link_state_w[...,7:10]@propertydefbody_link_ang_vel_w(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Angular velocity of all bodies in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, num_bodies, 3). This quantity is the angular velocity of the rigid bodies' center of mass frame relative to the world. """returnself.body_link_state_w[...,10:13]## Center of mass body properties#@propertydefbody_com_pos_w(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Positions of all bodies in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, num_bodies, 3). This quantity is the position of the rigid bodies' actor frame. """returnself.body_com_state_w[...,:3]@propertydefbody_com_quat_w(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Orientation (w, x, y, z) of the prinicple axies of inertia of all bodies in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, num_bodies, 4). This quantity is the orientation of the rigid bodies' actor frame. """returnself.body_com_state_w[...,3:7]@propertydefbody_com_vel_w(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Velocity of all bodies in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, num_bodies, 6). This quantity contains the linear and angular velocities of the rigid bodies' center of mass frame. """ifself._body_com_state_w.timestamp<self._sim_timestamp:self._physics_sim_view.update_articulations_kinematic()# read data from simulation (velocity is of com)velocity=self._root_physx_view.get_link_velocities()returnvelocityreturnself.body_com_state_w[...,7:13]@propertydefbody_com_lin_vel_w(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Linear velocity of all bodies in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, num_bodies, 3). This quantity is the linear velocity of the rigid bodies' center of mass frame. """ifself._body_com_state_w.timestamp<self._sim_timestamp:self._physics_sim_view.update_articulations_kinematic()# read data from simulation (velocity is of com)velocity=self._root_physx_view.get_link_velocities()returnvelocity[...,0:3]returnself.body_com_state_w[...,7:10]@propertydefbody_com_ang_vel_w(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Angular velocity of all bodies in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, num_bodies, 3). This quantity is the angular velocity of the rigid bodies' center of mass frame. """ifself._body_com_state_w.timestamp<self._sim_timestamp:self._physics_sim_view.update_articulations_kinematic()# read data from simulation (velocity is of com)velocity=self._root_physx_view.get_link_velocities()returnvelocity[...,3:6]returnself.body_com_state_w[...,10:13]@propertydefcom_pos_b(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Center of mass of all of the bodies in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, num_bodies, 3). This quantity is the center of mass location relative to its body frame. """returnself._root_physx_view.get_coms().to(self.device)[...,:3]@propertydefcom_quat_b(self)->torch.Tensor:"""Orientation (w,x,y,z) of the prinicple axies of inertia of all of the bodies in simulation world frame. Shape is (num_instances, num_bodies, 4). This quantity is the orientation of the principles axes of inertia relative to its body frame. """quat=self._root_physx_view.get_coms().to(self.device)[...,3:7]returnmath_utils.convert_quat(quat,to="wxyz")