# Copyright (c) 2022-2025, The Isaac Lab Project Developers.
# All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""Sub-package with the utility class to configure the :class:`isaacsim.simulation_app.SimulationApp`.
The :class:`AppLauncher` parses environment variables and input CLI arguments to launch the simulator in
various different modes. This includes with or without GUI and switching between different Omniverse remote
clients. Some of these require the extensions to be loaded in a specific order, otherwise a segmentation
fault occurs. The launched :class:`isaacsim.simulation_app.SimulationApp` instance is accessible via the
:attr:`AppLauncher.app` property.
import argparse
import contextlib
import os
import re
import signal
import sys
import warnings
from typing import Any, Literal
with contextlib.suppress(ModuleNotFoundError):
import isaacsim # noqa: F401
from isaacsim import SimulationApp
[docs]class AppLauncher:
"""A utility class to launch Isaac Sim application based on command-line arguments and environment variables.
The class resolves the simulation app settings that appear through environments variables,
command-line arguments (CLI) or as input keyword arguments. Based on these settings, it launches the
simulation app and configures the extensions to load (as a part of post-launch setup).
The input arguments provided to the class are given higher priority than the values set
from the corresponding environment variables. This provides flexibility to deal with different
users' preferences.
.. note::
Explicitly defined arguments are only given priority when their value is set to something outside
their default configuration. For example, the ``livestream`` argument is -1 by default. It only
overrides the ``LIVESTREAM`` environment variable when ``livestream`` argument is set to a
value >-1. In other words, if ``livestream=-1``, then the value from the environment variable
``LIVESTREAM`` is used.
[docs] def __init__(self, launcher_args: argparse.Namespace | dict | None = None, **kwargs):
"""Create a `SimulationApp`_ instance based on the input settings.
launcher_args: Input arguments to parse using the AppLauncher and set into the SimulationApp.
Defaults to None, which is equivalent to passing an empty dictionary. A detailed description of
the possible arguments is available in the `SimulationApp`_ documentation.
**kwargs : Additional keyword arguments that will be merged into :attr:`launcher_args`.
They serve as a convenience for those who want to pass some arguments using the argparse
interface and others directly into the AppLauncher. Duplicated arguments with
the :attr:`launcher_args` will raise a ValueError.
ValueError: If there are common/duplicated arguments between ``launcher_args`` and ``kwargs``.
ValueError: If combination of ``launcher_args`` and ``kwargs`` are missing the necessary arguments
that are needed by the AppLauncher to resolve the desired app configuration.
ValueError: If incompatible or undefined values are assigned to relevant environment values,
such as ``LIVESTREAM``.
.. _argparse.Namespace: https://docs.python.org/3/library/argparse.html?highlight=namespace#argparse.Namespace
.. _SimulationApp: https://docs.omniverse.nvidia.com/py/isaacsim/source/isaacsim.simulation_app/docs/index.html
# We allow users to pass either a dict or an argparse.Namespace into
# __init__, anticipating that these will be all of the argparse arguments
# used by the calling script. Those which we appended via add_app_launcher_args
# will be used to control extension loading logic. Additional arguments are allowed,
# and will be passed directly to the SimulationApp initialization.
# We could potentially require users to enter each argument they want passed here
# as a kwarg, but this would require them to pass livestream, headless, and
# any other options we choose to add here explicitly, and with the correct keywords.
# @hunter: I feel that this is cumbersome and could introduce error, and would prefer to do
# some sanity checking in the add_app_launcher_args function
if launcher_args is None:
launcher_args = {}
elif isinstance(launcher_args, argparse.Namespace):
launcher_args = launcher_args.__dict__
# Check that arguments are unique
if len(kwargs) > 0:
if not set(kwargs.keys()).isdisjoint(launcher_args.keys()):
overlapping_args = set(kwargs.keys()).intersection(launcher_args.keys())
raise ValueError(
f"Input `launcher_args` and `kwargs` both provided common attributes: {overlapping_args}."
" Please ensure that each argument is supplied to only one of them, as the AppLauncher cannot"
" discern priority between them."
# Define config members that are read from env-vars or keyword args
self._headless: bool # 0: GUI, 1: Headless
self._livestream: Literal[0, 1, 2] # 0: Disabled, 1: Native, 2: WebRTC
self._offscreen_render: bool # 0: Disabled, 1: Enabled
self._sim_experience_file: str # Experience file to load
# Exposed to train scripts
self.device_id: int # device ID for GPU simulation (defaults to 0)
self.local_rank: int # local rank of GPUs in the current node
self.global_rank: int # global rank for multi-node training
# Integrate env-vars and input keyword args into simulation app config
# Create SimulationApp, passing the resolved self._config to it for initialization
# Load IsaacSim extensions
# Hide the stop button in the toolbar
# Set up signal handlers for graceful shutdown
# -- during interrupts
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self._interrupt_signal_handle_callback)
# -- during explicit `kill` commands
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self._abort_signal_handle_callback)
# -- during segfaults
signal.signal(signal.SIGABRT, self._abort_signal_handle_callback)
signal.signal(signal.SIGSEGV, self._abort_signal_handle_callback)
def app(self) -> SimulationApp:
"""The launched SimulationApp."""
if self._app is not None:
return self._app
raise RuntimeError("The `AppLauncher.app` member cannot be retrieved until the class is initialized.")
[docs] @staticmethod
def add_app_launcher_args(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
"""Utility function to configure AppLauncher arguments with an existing argument parser object.
This function takes an ``argparse.ArgumentParser`` object and does some sanity checking on the existing
arguments for ingestion by the SimulationApp. It then appends custom command-line arguments relevant
to the SimulationApp to the input :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` instance. This allows overriding the
environment variables using command-line arguments.
Currently, it adds the following parameters to the argparser object:
* ``headless`` (bool): If True, the app will be launched in headless (no-gui) mode. The values map the same
as that for the ``HEADLESS`` environment variable. If False, then headless mode is determined by the
``HEADLESS`` environment variable.
* ``livestream`` (int): If one of {1, 2}, then livestreaming and headless mode is enabled. The values
map the same as that for the ``LIVESTREAM`` environment variable. If :obj:`-1`, then livestreaming is
determined by the ``LIVESTREAM`` environment variable.
Valid options are:
- ``0``: Disabled
- ``1``: `Native [DEPRECATED] <https://docs.isaacsim.omniverse.nvidia.com/latest/installation/manual_livestream_clients.html#omniverse-streaming-client-deprecated>`_
- ``2``: `WebRTC <https://docs.isaacsim.omniverse.nvidia.com/latest/installation/manual_livestream_clients.html#isaac-sim-short-webrtc-streaming-client>`_
* ``enable_cameras`` (bool): If True, the app will enable camera sensors and render them, even when in
headless mode. This flag must be set to True if the environments contains any camera sensors.
The values map the same as that for the ``ENABLE_CAMERAS`` environment variable.
If False, then enable_cameras mode is determined by the ``ENABLE_CAMERAS`` environment variable.
* ``device`` (str): The device to run the simulation on.
Valid options are:
- ``cpu``: Use CPU.
- ``cuda``: Use GPU with device ID ``0``.
- ``cuda:N``: Use GPU, where N is the device ID. For example, "cuda:0".
* ``experience`` (str): The experience file to load when launching the SimulationApp. If a relative path
is provided, it is resolved relative to the ``apps`` folder in Isaac Sim and Isaac Lab (in that order).
If provided as an empty string, the experience file is determined based on the command-line flags:
* If headless and enable_cameras are True, the experience file is set to ``isaaclab.python.headless.rendering.kit``.
* If headless is False and enable_cameras is True, the experience file is set to ``isaaclab.python.rendering.kit``.
* If headless and enable_cameras are False, the experience file is set to ``isaaclab.python.kit``.
* If headless is True and enable_cameras is False, the experience file is set to ``isaaclab.python.headless.kit``.
* ``kit_args`` (str): Optional command line arguments to be passed to Omniverse Kit directly.
Arguments should be combined into a single string separated by space.
Example usage: --kit_args "--ext-folder=/path/to/ext1 --ext-folder=/path/to/ext2"
parser: An argument parser instance to be extended with the AppLauncher specific options.
# If the passed parser has an existing _HelpAction when passed,
# we here remove the options which would invoke it,
# to be added back after the additional AppLauncher args
# have been added. This is equivalent to
# initially constructing the ArgParser with add_help=False,
# but this means we don't have to require that behavior
# in users and can handle it on our end.
# We do this because calling parse_known_args() will handle
# any -h/--help options being passed and then exit immediately,
# before the additional arguments can be added to the help readout.
parser_help = None
if len(parser._actions) > 0 and isinstance(parser._actions[0], argparse._HelpAction): # type: ignore
parser_help = parser._actions[0]
# Parse known args for potential name collisions/type mismatches
# between the config fields SimulationApp expects and the ArgParse
# arguments that the user passed.
known, _ = parser.parse_known_args()
config = vars(known)
if len(config) == 0:
"[WARN][AppLauncher]: There are no arguments attached to the ArgumentParser object."
" If you have your own arguments, please load your own arguments before calling the"
" `AppLauncher.add_app_launcher_args` method. This allows the method to check the validity"
" of the arguments and perform checks for argument names."
# Add custom arguments to the parser
arg_group = parser.add_argument_group(
"app_launcher arguments",
description="Arguments for the AppLauncher. For more details, please check the documentation.",
help="Force display off at all times.",
choices={0, 1, 2},
help="Force enable livestreaming. Mapping corresponds to that for the `LIVESTREAM` environment variable.",
help="Enable camera sensors and relevant extension dependencies.",
help='The device to run the simulation on. Can be "cpu", "cuda", "cuda:N", where N is the device ID',
# Add the deprecated cpu flag to raise an error if it is used
arg_group.add_argument("--cpu", action="store_true", help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
"--verbose", # Note: This is read by SimulationApp through sys.argv
help="Enable verbose-level log output from the SimulationApp.",
"--info", # Note: This is read by SimulationApp through sys.argv
help="Enable info-level log output from the SimulationApp.",
"The experience file to load when launching the SimulationApp. If an empty string is provided,"
" the experience file is determined based on the headless flag. If a relative path is provided,"
" it is resolved relative to the `apps` folder in Isaac Sim and Isaac Lab (in that order)."
"Command line arguments for Omniverse Kit as a string separated by a space delimiter."
' Example usage: --kit_args "--ext-folder=/path/to/ext1 --ext-folder=/path/to/ext2"'
# Corresponding to the beginning of the function,
# if we have removed -h/--help handling, we add it back.
if parser_help is not None:
parser._option_string_actions["-h"] = parser_help
parser._option_string_actions["--help"] = parser_help
Internal functions.
_APPLAUNCHER_CFG_INFO: dict[str, tuple[list[type], Any]] = {
"headless": ([bool], False),
"livestream": ([int], -1),
"enable_cameras": ([bool], False),
"device": ([str], "cuda:0"),
"experience": ([str], ""),
"""A dictionary of arguments added manually by the :meth:`AppLauncher.add_app_launcher_args` method.
The values are a tuple of the expected type and default value. This is used to check against name collisions
for arguments passed to the :class:`AppLauncher` class as well as for type checking.
They have corresponding environment variables as detailed in the documentation.
# TODO: Find some internally managed NVIDIA list of these types.
# SimulationApp.DEFAULT_LAUNCHER_CONFIG almost works, except that
# it is ambiguous where the default types are None
_SIM_APP_CFG_TYPES: dict[str, list[type]] = {
"headless": [bool],
"hide_ui": [bool, type(None)],
"active_gpu": [int, type(None)],
"physics_gpu": [int],
"multi_gpu": [bool],
"sync_loads": [bool],
"width": [int],
"height": [int],
"window_width": [int],
"window_height": [int],
"display_options": [int],
"subdiv_refinement_level": [int],
"renderer": [str],
"anti_aliasing": [int],
"samples_per_pixel_per_frame": [int],
"denoiser": [bool],
"max_bounces": [int],
"max_specular_transmission_bounces": [int],
"max_volume_bounces": [int],
"open_usd": [str, type(None)],
"livesync_usd": [str, type(None)],
"fast_shutdown": [bool],
"experience": [str],
"""A dictionary containing the type of arguments passed to SimulationApp.
This is used to check against name collisions for arguments passed to the :class:`AppLauncher` class
as well as for type checking. It corresponds closely to the :attr:`SimulationApp.DEFAULT_LAUNCHER_CONFIG`,
but specifically denotes where None types are allowed.
def _check_argparser_config_params(config: dict) -> None:
"""Checks that input argparser object has parameters with valid settings with no name conflicts.
First, we inspect the dictionary to ensure that the passed ArgParser object is not attempting to add arguments
which should be assigned by calling :meth:`AppLauncher.add_app_launcher_args`.
Then, we check that if the key corresponds to a config setting expected by SimulationApp, then the type of
that key's value corresponds to the type expected by the SimulationApp. If it passes the check, the function
prints out that the setting with be passed to the SimulationApp. Otherwise, we raise a ValueError exception.
config: A configuration parameters which will be passed to the SimulationApp constructor.
ValueError: If a key is an already existing field in the configuration parameters but
should be added by calling the :meth:`AppLauncher.add_app_launcher_args.
ValueError: If keys corresponding to those used to initialize SimulationApp
(as found in :attr:`_SIM_APP_CFG_TYPES`) are of the wrong value type.
# check that no config key conflicts with AppLauncher config names
applauncher_keys = set(AppLauncher._APPLAUNCHER_CFG_INFO.keys())
for key, value in config.items():
if key in applauncher_keys:
raise ValueError(
f"The passed ArgParser object already has the field '{key}'. This field will be added by"
" `AppLauncher.add_app_launcher_args()`, and should not be added directly. Please remove the"
" argument or rename it to a non-conflicting name."
# check that type of the passed keys are valid
simulationapp_keys = set(AppLauncher._SIM_APP_CFG_TYPES.keys())
for key, value in config.items():
if key in simulationapp_keys:
given_type = type(value)
expected_types = AppLauncher._SIM_APP_CFG_TYPES[key]
if type(value) not in set(expected_types):
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid value type for the argument '{key}': {given_type}. Expected one of {expected_types},"
" if intended to be ingested by the SimulationApp object. Please change the type if this"
" intended for the SimulationApp or change the name of the argument to avoid name conflicts."
# Print out values which will be used
print(f"[INFO][AppLauncher]: The argument '{key}' will be used to configure the SimulationApp.")
def _config_resolution(self, launcher_args: dict):
"""Resolve the input arguments and environment variables.
launcher_args: A dictionary of all input arguments passed to the class object.
# Handle all control logic resolution
# --LIVESTREAM logic--
livestream_env = int(os.environ.get("LIVESTREAM", 0))
livestream_arg = launcher_args.pop("livestream", AppLauncher._APPLAUNCHER_CFG_INFO["livestream"][1])
livestream_valid_vals = {0, 1, 2}
# Value checking on LIVESTREAM
if livestream_env not in livestream_valid_vals:
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid value for environment variable `LIVESTREAM`: {livestream_env} ."
f" Expected: {livestream_valid_vals}."
# We allow livestream kwarg to supersede LIVESTREAM envvar
if livestream_arg >= 0:
if livestream_arg in livestream_valid_vals:
self._livestream = livestream_arg
# print info that we overrode the env-var
f"[INFO][AppLauncher]: Input keyword argument `livestream={livestream_arg}` has overridden"
f" the environment variable `LIVESTREAM={livestream_env}`."
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid value for input keyword argument `livestream`: {livestream_arg} ."
f" Expected: {livestream_valid_vals}."
self._livestream = livestream_env
# --HEADLESS logic--
# Resolve headless execution of simulation app
# HEADLESS is initially passed as an int instead of
# the bool of headless_arg to avoid messy string processing,
headless_env = int(os.environ.get("HEADLESS", 0))
headless_arg = launcher_args.pop("headless", AppLauncher._APPLAUNCHER_CFG_INFO["headless"][1])
headless_valid_vals = {0, 1}
# Value checking on HEADLESS
if headless_env not in headless_valid_vals:
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid value for environment variable `HEADLESS`: {headless_env} . Expected: {headless_valid_vals}."
# We allow headless kwarg to supersede HEADLESS envvar if headless_arg does not have the default value
# Note: Headless is always true when livestreaming
if headless_arg is True:
self._headless = headless_arg
elif self._livestream in {1, 2}:
# we are always headless on the host machine
self._headless = True
# inform who has toggled the headless flag
if self._livestream == livestream_arg:
f"[INFO][AppLauncher]: Input keyword argument `livestream={self._livestream}` has implicitly"
f" overridden the environment variable `HEADLESS={headless_env}` to True."
elif self._livestream == livestream_env:
f"[INFO][AppLauncher]: Environment variable `LIVESTREAM={self._livestream}` has implicitly"
f" overridden the environment variable `HEADLESS={headless_env}` to True."
# Headless needs to be a bool to be ingested by SimulationApp
self._headless = bool(headless_env)
# Headless needs to be passed to the SimulationApp so we keep it here
launcher_args["headless"] = self._headless
# --enable_cameras logic--
enable_cameras_env = int(os.environ.get("ENABLE_CAMERAS", 0))
enable_cameras_arg = launcher_args.pop("enable_cameras", AppLauncher._APPLAUNCHER_CFG_INFO["enable_cameras"][1])
enable_cameras_valid_vals = {0, 1}
if enable_cameras_env not in enable_cameras_valid_vals:
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid value for environment variable `ENABLE_CAMERAS`: {enable_cameras_env} ."
f"Expected: {enable_cameras_valid_vals} ."
# We allow enable_cameras kwarg to supersede ENABLE_CAMERAS envvar
if enable_cameras_arg is True:
self._enable_cameras = enable_cameras_arg
self._enable_cameras = bool(enable_cameras_env)
self._offscreen_render = False
if self._enable_cameras and self._headless:
self._offscreen_render = True
# Check if we can disable the viewport to improve performance
# This should only happen if we are running headless and do not require livestreaming or video recording
# This is different from offscreen_render because this only affects the default viewport and not other renderproducts in the scene
self._render_viewport = True
if self._headless and not self._livestream and not launcher_args.get("video", False):
self._render_viewport = False
# hide_ui flag
launcher_args["hide_ui"] = False
if self._headless and not self._livestream:
launcher_args["hide_ui"] = True
# avoid creating new stage at startup by default for performance reasons
launcher_args["create_new_stage"] = False
# --simulation GPU device logic --
self.device_id = 0
device = launcher_args.get("device", AppLauncher._APPLAUNCHER_CFG_INFO["device"][1])
if "cuda" not in device and "cpu" not in device:
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid value for input keyword argument `device`: {device}."
" Expected: a string with the format 'cuda', 'cuda:<device_id>', or 'cpu'."
if "cuda:" in device:
self.device_id = int(device.split(":")[-1])
# Raise an error for the deprecated cpu flag
if launcher_args.get("cpu", False):
raise ValueError("The `--cpu` flag is deprecated. Please use `--device cpu` instead.")
if "distributed" in launcher_args and launcher_args["distributed"]:
# local rank (GPU id) in a current multi-gpu mode
self.local_rank = int(os.getenv("LOCAL_RANK", "0")) + int(os.getenv("JAX_LOCAL_RANK", "0"))
# global rank (GPU id) in multi-gpu multi-node mode
self.global_rank = int(os.getenv("RANK", "0")) + int(os.getenv("JAX_RANK", "0"))
self.device_id = self.local_rank
launcher_args["multi_gpu"] = False
# limit CPU threads to minimize thread context switching
# this ensures processes do not take up all available threads and fight for resources
num_cpu_cores = os.cpu_count()
num_threads_per_process = num_cpu_cores // int(os.getenv("WORLD_SIZE", 1))
# set environment variables to limit CPU threads
os.environ["PXR_WORK_THREAD_LIMIT"] = str(num_threads_per_process)
os.environ["OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS"] = str(num_threads_per_process)
# pass command line variable to kit
# set physics and rendering device
launcher_args["physics_gpu"] = self.device_id
launcher_args["active_gpu"] = self.device_id
# Check if input keywords contain an 'experience' file setting
# Note: since experience is taken as a separate argument by Simulation App, we store it separately
self._sim_experience_file = launcher_args.pop("experience", "")
# If nothing is provided resolve the experience file based on the headless flag
kit_app_exp_path = os.environ["EXP_PATH"]
isaaclab_app_exp_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), *[".."] * 4, "apps")
if self._sim_experience_file == "":
# check if the headless flag is setS
if self._enable_cameras:
if self._headless and not self._livestream:
self._sim_experience_file = os.path.join(
isaaclab_app_exp_path, "isaaclab.python.headless.rendering.kit"
self._sim_experience_file = os.path.join(isaaclab_app_exp_path, "isaaclab.python.rendering.kit")
elif self._headless and not self._livestream:
self._sim_experience_file = os.path.join(isaaclab_app_exp_path, "isaaclab.python.headless.kit")
self._sim_experience_file = os.path.join(isaaclab_app_exp_path, "isaaclab.python.kit")
elif not os.path.isabs(self._sim_experience_file):
option_1_app_exp_path = os.path.join(kit_app_exp_path, self._sim_experience_file)
option_2_app_exp_path = os.path.join(isaaclab_app_exp_path, self._sim_experience_file)
if os.path.exists(option_1_app_exp_path):
self._sim_experience_file = option_1_app_exp_path
elif os.path.exists(option_2_app_exp_path):
self._sim_experience_file = option_2_app_exp_path
raise FileNotFoundError(
f"Invalid value for input keyword argument `experience`: {self._sim_experience_file}."
"\n No such file exists in either the Kit or Isaac Lab experience paths. Checked paths:"
f"\n\t [1]: {option_1_app_exp_path}"
f"\n\t [2]: {option_2_app_exp_path}"
elif not os.path.exists(self._sim_experience_file):
raise FileNotFoundError(
f"Invalid value for input keyword argument `experience`: {self._sim_experience_file}."
" The file does not exist."
# Set public IP address of a remote instance
public_ip_env = os.environ.get("PUBLIC_IP", "")
# Process livestream here before launching kit because some of the extensions only work when launched with the kit file
self._livestream_args = []
if self._livestream >= 1:
# Note: Only one livestream extension can be enabled at a time
if self._livestream == 1:
"Native Livestream is deprecated. Please use WebRTC Livestream instead with --livestream 2."
self._livestream_args += [
elif self._livestream == 2:
self._livestream_args += [
raise ValueError(f"Invalid value for livestream: {self._livestream}. Expected: 1, 2 .")
sys.argv += self._livestream_args
# Resolve additional arguments passed to Kit
self._kit_args = []
if "kit_args" in launcher_args:
self._kit_args = [arg for arg in launcher_args["kit_args"].split()]
sys.argv += self._kit_args
# Resolve the absolute path of the experience file
self._sim_experience_file = os.path.abspath(self._sim_experience_file)
print(f"[INFO][AppLauncher]: Loading experience file: {self._sim_experience_file}")
# Remove all values from input keyword args which are not meant for SimulationApp
# Assign all the passed settings to a dictionary for the simulation app
self._sim_app_config = {
key: launcher_args[key] for key in set(AppLauncher._SIM_APP_CFG_TYPES.keys()) & set(launcher_args.keys())
def _create_app(self):
"""Launch and create the SimulationApp based on the parsed simulation config."""
# Initialize SimulationApp
# hack sys module to make sure that the SimulationApp is initialized correctly
# this is to avoid the warnings from the simulation app about not ok modules
r = re.compile(".*lab.*")
found_modules = list(filter(r.match, list(sys.modules.keys())))
# remove Isaac Lab modules from sys.modules
hacked_modules = dict()
for key in found_modules:
hacked_modules[key] = sys.modules[key]
del sys.modules[key]
# disable sys stdout and stderr to avoid printing the warning messages
# this is mainly done to purge the print statements from the simulation app
if "--verbose" not in sys.argv and "--info" not in sys.argv:
sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, "w") # noqa: SIM115
# launch simulation app
self._app = SimulationApp(self._sim_app_config, experience=self._sim_experience_file)
# enable sys stdout and stderr
sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
# add Isaac Lab modules back to sys.modules
for key, value in hacked_modules.items():
sys.modules[key] = value
# remove the threadCount argument from sys.argv if it was added for distributed training
pattern = r"--/plugins/carb\.tasking\.plugin/threadCount=\d+"
sys.argv = [arg for arg in sys.argv if not re.match(pattern, arg)]
# remove additional OV args from sys.argv
if len(self._kit_args) > 0:
sys.argv = [arg for arg in sys.argv if arg not in self._kit_args]
if len(self._livestream_args) > 0:
sys.argv = [arg for arg in sys.argv if arg not in self._livestream_args]
def _rendering_enabled(self) -> bool:
"""Check if rendering is required by the app."""
# Indicates whether rendering is required by the app.
# Extensions required for rendering bring startup and simulation costs, so we do not enable them if not required.
return not self._headless or self._livestream >= 1 or self._enable_cameras
def _load_extensions(self):
"""Load correct extensions based on AppLauncher's resolved config member variables."""
# These have to be loaded after SimulationApp is initialized
import carb
import omni.physx.bindings._physx as physx_impl
# Retrieve carb settings for modification
carb_settings_iface = carb.settings.get_settings()
# set carb setting to indicate Isaac Lab's offscreen_render pipeline should be enabled
# this flag is used by the SimulationContext class to enable the offscreen_render pipeline
# when the render() method is called.
carb_settings_iface.set_bool("/isaaclab/render/offscreen", self._offscreen_render)
# set carb setting to indicate Isaac Lab's render_viewport pipeline should be enabled
# this flag is used by the SimulationContext class to enable the render_viewport pipeline
# when the render() method is called.
carb_settings_iface.set_bool("/isaaclab/render/active_viewport", self._render_viewport)
# set carb setting to indicate no RTX sensors are used
# this flag is set to True when an RTX-rendering related sensor is created
# for example: the `Camera` sensor class
carb_settings_iface.set_bool("/isaaclab/render/rtx_sensors", False)
# set fabric update flag to disable updating transforms when rendering is disabled
carb_settings_iface.set_bool("/physics/fabricUpdateTransformations", self._rendering_enabled())
# disable physics backwards compatibility check
carb_settings_iface.set_int(physx_impl.SETTING_BACKWARD_COMPATIBILITY, 0)
def _hide_stop_button(self):
"""Hide the stop button in the toolbar.
For standalone executions, having a stop button is confusing since it invalidates the whole simulation.
Thus, we hide the button so that users don't accidentally click it.
# when we are truly headless, then we can't import the widget toolbar
# thus, we only hide the stop button when we are not headless (i.e. GUI is enabled)
if self._livestream >= 1 or not self._headless:
import omni.kit.widget.toolbar
# grey out the stop button because we don't want to stop the simulation manually in standalone mode
toolbar = omni.kit.widget.toolbar.get_instance()
play_button_group = toolbar._builtin_tools._play_button_group # type: ignore
if play_button_group is not None:
play_button_group._stop_button.visible = False # type: ignore
play_button_group._stop_button.enabled = False # type: ignore
play_button_group._stop_button = None # type: ignore
def _interrupt_signal_handle_callback(self, signal, frame):
"""Handle the interrupt signal from the keyboard."""
# close the app
# raise the error for keyboard interrupt
raise KeyboardInterrupt
def _abort_signal_handle_callback(self, signal, frame):
"""Handle the abort/segmentation/kill signals."""
# close the app