Source code for isaaclab.actuators.actuator_cfg
# Copyright (c) 2022-2025, The Isaac Lab Project Developers.
# All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
from import Iterable
from dataclasses import MISSING
from typing import Literal
from isaaclab.utils import configclass
from . import actuator_net, actuator_pd
from .actuator_base import ActuatorBase
class ActuatorBaseCfg:
"""Configuration for default actuators in an articulation."""
class_type: type[ActuatorBase] = MISSING
"""The associated actuator class.
The class should inherit from :class:`isaaclab.actuators.ActuatorBase`.
joint_names_expr: list[str] = MISSING
"""Articulation's joint names that are part of the group.
This can be a list of joint names or a list of regex expressions (e.g. ".*").
effort_limit: dict[str, float] | float | None = None
"""Force/Torque limit of the joints in the group. Defaults to None.
This limit is used to clip the computed torque sent to the simulation. If None, the
limit is set to the value specified in the USD joint prim.
.. attention::
The :attr:`effort_limit_sim` attribute should be used to set the effort limit for
the simulation physics solver.
The :attr:`effort_limit` attribute is used for clipping the effort output of the
actuator model **only** in the case of explicit actuators, such as the
.. note::
For implicit actuators, the attributes :attr:`effort_limit` and :attr:`effort_limit_sim`
are equivalent. However, we suggest using the :attr:`effort_limit_sim` attribute because
it is more intuitive.
velocity_limit: dict[str, float] | float | None = None
"""Velocity limit of the joints in the group. Defaults to None.
This limit is used by the actuator model. If None, the limit is set to the value specified
in the USD joint prim.
.. attention::
The :attr:`velocity_limit_sim` attribute should be used to set the velocity limit for
the simulation physics solver.
The :attr:`velocity_limit` attribute is used for clipping the effort output of the
actuator model **only** in the case of explicit actuators, such as the
.. note::
For implicit actuators, the attribute :attr:`velocity_limit` is not used. This is to stay
backwards compatible with previous versions of the Isaac Lab, where this parameter was
unused since PhysX did not support setting the velocity limit for the joints using the
PhysX Tensor API.
effort_limit_sim: dict[str, float] | float | None = None
"""Effort limit of the joints in the group applied to the simulation physics solver. Defaults to None.
The effort limit is used to constrain the computed joint efforts in the physics engine. If the
computed effort exceeds this limit, the physics engine will clip the effort to this value.
Since explicit actuators (e.g. DC motor), compute and clip the effort in the actuator model, this
limit is by default set to a large value to prevent the physics engine from any additional clipping.
However, at times, it may be necessary to set this limit to a smaller value as a safety measure.
If None, the limit is resolved based on the type of actuator model:
* For implicit actuators, the limit is set to the value specified in the USD joint prim.
* For explicit actuators, the limit is set to 1.0e9.
velocity_limit_sim: dict[str, float] | float | None = None
"""Velocity limit of the joints in the group applied to the simulation physics solver. Defaults to None.
The velocity limit is used to constrain the joint velocities in the physics engine. The joint will only
be able to reach this velocity if the joint's effort limit is sufficiently large. If the joint is moving
faster than this velocity, the physics engine will actually try to brake the joint to reach this velocity.
If None, the limit is set to the value specified in the USD joint prim for both implicit and explicit actuators.
.. tip::
If the velocity limit is too tight, the physics engine may have trouble converging to a solution.
In such cases, we recommend either keeping this value sufficiently large or tuning the stiffness and
damping parameters of the joint to ensure the limits are not violated.
stiffness: dict[str, float] | float | None = MISSING
"""Stiffness gains (also known as p-gain) of the joints in the group.
The behavior of the stiffness is different for implicit and explicit actuators. For implicit actuators,
the stiffness gets set into the physics engine directly. For explicit actuators, the stiffness is used
by the actuator model to compute the joint efforts.
If None, the stiffness is set to the value from the USD joint prim.
damping: dict[str, float] | float | None = MISSING
"""Damping gains (also known as d-gain) of the joints in the group.
The behavior of the damping is different for implicit and explicit actuators. For implicit actuators,
the damping gets set into the physics engine directly. For explicit actuators, the damping gain is used
by the actuator model to compute the joint efforts.
If None, the damping is set to the value from the USD joint prim.
armature: dict[str, float] | float | None = None
"""Armature of the joints in the group. Defaults to None.
The armature is directly added to the corresponding joint-space inertia. It helps improve the
simulation stability by reducing the joint velocities.
It is a physics engine solver parameter that gets set into the simulation.
If None, the armature is set to the value from the USD joint prim.
friction: dict[str, float] | float | None = None
r"""The friction coefficient of the joints in the group. Defaults to None.
The joint friction is a unitless quantity. It relates the magnitude of the spatial force transmitted
from the parent body to the child body to the maximal friction force that may be applied by the solver
to resist the joint motion.
Mathematically, this means that: :math:`F_{resist} \leq \mu F_{spatial}`, where :math:`F_{resist}`
is the resisting force applied by the solver and :math:`F_{spatial}` is the spatial force
transmitted from the parent body to the child body. The simulated friction effect is therefore
similar to static and Coulomb friction.
If None, the joint friction is set to the value from the USD joint prim.
Implicit Actuator Models.
class ImplicitActuatorCfg(ActuatorBaseCfg):
"""Configuration for an implicit actuator.
The PD control is handled implicitly by the simulation.
class_type: type = actuator_pd.ImplicitActuator
Explicit Actuator Models.
class IdealPDActuatorCfg(ActuatorBaseCfg):
"""Configuration for an ideal PD actuator."""
class_type: type = actuator_pd.IdealPDActuator
class DCMotorCfg(IdealPDActuatorCfg):
"""Configuration for direct control (DC) motor actuator model."""
class_type: type = actuator_pd.DCMotor
saturation_effort: float = MISSING
"""Peak motor force/torque of the electric DC motor (in N-m)."""
class ActuatorNetLSTMCfg(DCMotorCfg):
"""Configuration for LSTM-based actuator model."""
class_type: type = actuator_net.ActuatorNetLSTM
# we don't use stiffness and damping for actuator net
stiffness = None
damping = None
network_file: str = MISSING
"""Path to the file containing network weights."""
class ActuatorNetMLPCfg(DCMotorCfg):
"""Configuration for MLP-based actuator model."""
class_type: type = actuator_net.ActuatorNetMLP
# we don't use stiffness and damping for actuator net
stiffness = None
damping = None
network_file: str = MISSING
"""Path to the file containing network weights."""
pos_scale: float = MISSING
"""Scaling of the joint position errors input to the network."""
vel_scale: float = MISSING
"""Scaling of the joint velocities input to the network."""
torque_scale: float = MISSING
"""Scaling of the joint efforts output from the network."""
input_order: Literal["pos_vel", "vel_pos"] = MISSING
"""Order of the inputs to the network.
The order can be one of the following:
* ``"pos_vel"``: joint position errors followed by joint velocities
* ``"vel_pos"``: joint velocities followed by joint position errors
input_idx: Iterable[int] = MISSING
Indices of the actuator history buffer passed as inputs to the network.
The index *0* corresponds to current time-step, while *n* corresponds to n-th
time-step in the past. The allocated history length is `max(input_idx) + 1`.
class DelayedPDActuatorCfg(IdealPDActuatorCfg):
"""Configuration for a delayed PD actuator."""
class_type: type = actuator_pd.DelayedPDActuator
min_delay: int = 0
"""Minimum number of physics time-steps with which the actuator command may be delayed. Defaults to 0."""
max_delay: int = 0
"""Maximum number of physics time-steps with which the actuator command may be delayed. Defaults to 0."""
class RemotizedPDActuatorCfg(DelayedPDActuatorCfg):
"""Configuration for a remotized PD actuator.
The torque output limits for this actuator is derived from a linear interpolation of a lookup table
in :attr:`joint_parameter_lookup`. This table describes the relationship between joint angles and
the output torques.
class_type: type = actuator_pd.RemotizedPDActuator
joint_parameter_lookup: list[list[float]] = MISSING
"""Joint parameter lookup table. Shape is (num_lookup_points, 3).
This tensor describes the relationship between the joint angle (rad), the transmission ratio (in/out),
and the output torque (N*m). The table is used to interpolate the output torque based on the joint angle.