Teleoperation and Imitation Learning#
We provide interfaces for providing commands in SE(2) and SE(3) space for robot control. In case of SE(2) teleoperation, the returned command is the linear x-y velocity and yaw rate, while in SE(3), the returned command is a 6-D vector representing the change in pose.
To play inverse kinematics (IK) control with a keyboard device:
./ -p source/standalone/environments/teleoperation/ --task Isaac-Lift-Cube-Franka-IK-Rel-v0 --num_envs 1 --teleop_device keyboard
The script prints the teleoperation events configured. For keyboard, these are as follows:
Keyboard Controller for SE(3): Se3Keyboard
Reset all commands: L
Toggle gripper (open/close): K
Move arm along x-axis: W/S
Move arm along y-axis: A/D
Move arm along z-axis: Q/E
Rotate arm along x-axis: Z/X
Rotate arm along y-axis: T/G
Rotate arm along z-axis: C/V
Imitation Learning#
Using the teleoperation devices, it is also possible to collect data for learning from demonstrations (LfD). For this, we support the learning framework Robomimic (Linux only) and allow saving data in HDF5 format.
Collect demonstrations with teleoperation for the environment
:# step a: collect data with keyboard ./ -p source/standalone/workflows/robomimic/ --task Isaac-Lift-Cube-Franka-IK-Rel-v0 --num_envs 1 --num_demos 10 --teleop_device keyboard # step b: inspect the collected dataset ./ -p source/standalone/workflows/robomimic/tools/ logs/robomimic/Isaac-Lift-Cube-Franka-IK-Rel-v0/hdf_dataset.hdf5
Split the dataset into train and validation set:
# install the dependencies sudo apt install cmake build-essential # install python module (for robomimic) ./ -i robomimic # split data ./ -p source/standalone//workflows/robomimic/tools/ logs/robomimic/Isaac-Lift-Cube-Franka-IK-Rel-v0/hdf_dataset.hdf5 --ratio 0.2
Train a BC agent for
with Robomimic:./ -p source/standalone/workflows/robomimic/ --task Isaac-Lift-Cube-Franka-IK-Rel-v0 --algo bc --dataset logs/robomimic/Isaac-Lift-Cube-Franka-IK-Rel-v0/hdf_dataset.hdf5
Play the learned model to visualize results:
./ -p source/standalone/workflows/robomimic/ --task Isaac-Lift-Cube-Franka-IK-Rel-v0 --checkpoint /PATH/TO/model.pth