Setting up Visual Studio Code

Setting up Visual Studio Code#

The following is only applicable for Isaac Sim installed via the Omniverse Launcher. The Isaac Lab repository includes the VSCode settings to easily allow setting up your development environment. These are included in the .vscode directory and include the following files:

├── tools
│   ├── launch.template.json
│   ├── settings.template.json
│   └──
├── extensions.json
├── launch.json  # <- this is generated by
├── settings.json  # <- this is generated by
└── tasks.json

To setup the IDE, please follow these instructions:

  1. Open the Isaac Lab directory on Visual Studio Code IDE

  2. Run VSCode Tasks, by pressing Ctrl+Shift+P, selecting Tasks: Run Task and running the setup_python_env in the drop down menu.

    VSCode Tasks

If everything executes correctly, it should create the following files:

  • .vscode/launch.json: Contains the launch configurations for debugging python code.

  • .vscode/settings.json: Contains the settings for the python interpreter and the python environment.

For more information on VSCode support for Omniverse, please refer to the following links:

Configuring the python interpreter#

In the provided configuration, we set the default python interpreter to use the python executable provided by Omniverse. This is specified in the .vscode/settings.json file:

   "python.defaultInterpreterPath": "${workspaceFolder}/_isaac_sim/",

If you want to use a different python interpreter (for instance, from your conda environment), you need to change the python interpreter used by selecting and activating the python interpreter of your choice in the bottom left corner of VSCode, or opening the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) and selecting Python: Select Interpreter.

For more information on how to set python interpreter for VSCode, please refer to the VSCode documentation.