Source code for omni.isaac.lab_tasks.utils.data_collector.robomimic_data_collector

# Copyright (c) 2022-2024, The Isaac Lab Project Developers.
# All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

"""Interface to collect and store data from the environment using format from `robomimic`."""

# needed to import for allowing type-hinting: np.ndarray | torch.Tensor
from __future__ import annotations

import h5py
import json
import numpy as np
import os
import torch
from import Iterable

import carb

[docs]class RobomimicDataCollector: """Data collection interface for robomimic. This class implements a data collector interface for saving simulation states to disk. The data is stored in `HDF5`_ binary data format. The class is useful for collecting demonstrations. The collected data follows the `structure`_ from robomimic. All datasets in `robomimic` require the observations and next observations obtained from before and after the environment step. These are stored as a dictionary of observations in the keys "obs" and "next_obs" respectively. For certain agents in `robomimic`, the episode data should have the following additional keys: "actions", "rewards", "dones". This behavior can be altered by changing the dataset keys required in the training configuration for the respective learning agent. For reference on datasets, please check the robomimic `documentation`. .. _HDF5: .. _structure: .. _documentation: """
[docs] def __init__( self, env_name: str, directory_path: str, filename: str = "test", num_demos: int = 1, flush_freq: int = 1, env_config: dict | None = None, ): """Initializes the data collection wrapper. Args: env_name: The name of the environment. directory_path: The path to store collected data. filename: The basename of the saved file. Defaults to "test". num_demos: Number of demonstrations to record until stopping. Defaults to 1. flush_freq: Frequency to dump data to disk. Defaults to 1. env_config: The configuration for the environment. Defaults to None. """ # save input arguments self._env_name = env_name self._env_config = env_config self._directory = os.path.abspath(directory_path) self._filename = filename self._num_demos = num_demos self._flush_freq = flush_freq # print info print(self.__str__()) # create directory it doesn't exist if not os.path.isdir(self._directory): os.makedirs(self._directory) # placeholder for current hdf5 file object self._h5_file_stream = None self._h5_data_group = None self._h5_episode_group = None # store count of demos within episode self._demo_count = 0 # flags for setting up self._is_first_interaction = True self._is_stop = False # create buffers to store data self._dataset = dict()
def __del__(self): """Destructor for data collector.""" if not self._is_stop: self.close() def __str__(self) -> str: """Represents the data collector as a string.""" msg = "Dataset collector <class RobomimicDataCollector> object" msg += f"\tStoring trajectories in directory: {self._directory}\n" msg += f"\tNumber of demos for collection : {self._num_demos}\n" msg += f"\tFrequency for saving data to disk: {self._flush_freq}\n" return msg """ Properties """ @property def demo_count(self) -> int: """The number of demos collected so far.""" return self._demo_count """ Operations. """
[docs] def is_stopped(self) -> bool: """Whether data collection is stopped or not. Returns: True if data collection has stopped. """ return self._is_stop
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset the internals of data logger.""" # setup the file to store data in if self._is_first_interaction: self._demo_count = 0 self._create_new_file(self._filename) self._is_first_interaction = False # clear out existing buffers self._dataset = dict()
[docs] def add(self, key: str, value: np.ndarray | torch.Tensor): """Add a key-value pair to the dataset. The key can be nested by using the "/" character. For example: "obs/joint_pos". Currently only two-level nesting is supported. Args: key: The key name. value: The corresponding value of shape (N, ...), where `N` is number of environments. Raises: ValueError: When provided key has sub-keys more than 2. Example: "obs/joints/pos", instead of "obs/joint_pos". """ # check if data should be recorded if self._is_first_interaction: carb.log_warn("Please call reset before adding new data. Calling reset...") self.reset() if self._is_stop: carb.log_warn(f"Desired number of demonstrations collected: {self._demo_count} >= {self._num_demos}.") return # check datatype if isinstance(value, torch.Tensor): value = value.cpu().numpy() else: value = np.asarray(value) # check if there are sub-keys sub_keys = key.split("/") num_sub_keys = len(sub_keys) if len(sub_keys) > 2: raise ValueError(f"Input key '{key}' has elements {num_sub_keys} which is more than two.") # add key to dictionary if it doesn't exist for i in range(value.shape[0]): # demo index if f"env_{i}" not in self._dataset: self._dataset[f"env_{i}"] = dict() # key index if num_sub_keys == 2: # create keys if sub_keys[0] not in self._dataset[f"env_{i}"]: self._dataset[f"env_{i}"][sub_keys[0]] = dict() if sub_keys[1] not in self._dataset[f"env_{i}"][sub_keys[0]]: self._dataset[f"env_{i}"][sub_keys[0]][sub_keys[1]] = list() # add data to key self._dataset[f"env_{i}"][sub_keys[0]][sub_keys[1]].append(value[i]) else: # create keys if sub_keys[0] not in self._dataset[f"env_{i}"]: self._dataset[f"env_{i}"][sub_keys[0]] = list() # add data to key self._dataset[f"env_{i}"][sub_keys[0]].append(value[i])
[docs] def flush(self, env_ids: Iterable[int] = (0,)): """Flush the episode data based on environment indices. Args: env_ids: Environment indices to write data for. Defaults to (0). """ # check that data is being recorded if self._h5_file_stream is None or self._h5_data_group is None: carb.log_error("No file stream has been opened. Please call reset before flushing data.") return # iterate over each environment and add their data for index in env_ids: # data corresponding to demo env_dataset = self._dataset[f"env_{index}"] # create episode group based on demo count h5_episode_group = self._h5_data_group.create_group(f"demo_{self._demo_count}") # store number of steps taken h5_episode_group.attrs["num_samples"] = len(env_dataset["actions"]) # store other data from dictionary for key, value in env_dataset.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): # create group key_group = h5_episode_group.create_group(key) # add sub-keys values for sub_key, sub_value in value.items(): key_group.create_dataset(sub_key, data=np.array(sub_value)) else: h5_episode_group.create_dataset(key, data=np.array(value)) # increment total step counts self._h5_data_group.attrs["total"] += h5_episode_group.attrs["num_samples"] # increment total demo counts self._demo_count += 1 # reset buffer for environment self._dataset[f"env_{index}"] = dict() # dump at desired frequency if self._demo_count % self._flush_freq == 0: self._h5_file_stream.flush() print(f">>> Flushing data to disk. Collected demos: {self._demo_count} / {self._num_demos}") # if demos collected then stop if self._demo_count >= self._num_demos: print(f">>> Desired number of demonstrations collected: {self._demo_count} >= {self._num_demos}.") self.close() # break out of loop break
[docs] def close(self): """Stop recording and save the file at its current state.""" if not self._is_stop: print(f">>> Closing recording of data. Collected demos: {self._demo_count} / {self._num_demos}") # close the file safely if self._h5_file_stream is not None: self._h5_file_stream.close() # mark that data collection is stopped self._is_stop = True
""" Helper functions. """ def _create_new_file(self, fname: str): """Create a new HDF5 file for writing episode info into. Reference: Args: fname: The base name of the file. """ if not fname.endswith(".hdf5"): fname += ".hdf5" # define path to file hdf5_path = os.path.join(self._directory, fname) # construct the stream object self._h5_file_stream = h5py.File(hdf5_path, "w") # create group to store data self._h5_data_group = self._h5_file_stream.create_group("data") # stores total number of samples accumulated across demonstrations self._h5_data_group.attrs["total"] = 0 # store the environment meta-info # -- we use gym environment type # Ref: env_type = 2 # -- check if env config provided if self._env_config is None: self._env_config = dict() # -- add info self._h5_data_group.attrs["env_args"] = json.dumps({ "env_name": self._env_name, "type": env_type, "env_kwargs": self._env_config, })