Installation using Isaac Sim pip

Installation using Isaac Sim pip#

Installing Isaac Sim#


Installing Isaac Sim from pip is currently an experimental feature. If errors occur, please report them to the Isaac Sim Forums and install Isaac Sim from pre-built binaries.


Installing Isaac Sim with pip requires GLIBC 2.34+ version compatibility. To check the GLIBC version on your system, use command ldd --version.

  • To use the pip installation approach for Isaac Sim, we recommend first creating a virtual environment. Ensure that the python version of the virtual environment is Python 3.10.

    conda create -n isaaclab python=3.10
    conda activate isaaclab
    # create a conda environment named isaaclab with python3.10
    python3.10 -m venv isaaclab
    # activate the conda environment
    source isaaclab/bin/activate
    # create a virtual environment named isaaclab with python3.10
    python3.10 -m venv isaaclab
    # activate the virtual environment
  • Next, install a CUDA-enabled PyTorch 2.2.2 build based on the CUDA version available on your system.

    pip install torch==2.2.2 --index-url
    pip install torch==2.2.2 --index-url
  • Then, install the Isaac Sim packages necessary for running Isaac Lab:

    pip install isaacsim-rl isaacsim-replicator isaacsim-extscache-physics isaacsim-extscache-kit-sdk isaacsim-extscache-kit isaacsim-app --extra-index-url

Installing Isaac Lab#

Cloning Isaac Lab#


We recommend making a fork of the Isaac Lab repository to contribute to the project but this is not mandatory to use the framework. If you make a fork, please replace isaac-sim with your username in the following instructions.

Clone the Isaac Lab repository into your workspace:

git clone
git clone


We provide a helper executable that provides utilities to manage extensions:

./ --help

usage: [-h] [-i] [-f] [-p] [-s] [-t] [-o] [-v] [-d] [-c] -- Utility to manage Isaac Lab.

optional arguments:
   -h, --help           Display the help content.
   -i, --install [LIB]  Install the extensions inside Isaac Lab and learning frameworks (rl_games, rsl_rl, sb3, skrl) as extra dependencies. Default is 'all'.
   -f, --format         Run pre-commit to format the code and check lints.
   -p, --python         Run the python executable provided by Isaac Sim or virtual environment (if active).
   -s, --sim            Run the simulator executable ( provided by Isaac Sim.
   -t, --test           Run all python unittest tests.
   -o, --docker         Run the docker container helper script (docker/
   -v, --vscode         Generate the VSCode settings file from template.
   -d, --docs           Build the documentation from source using sphinx.
   -c, --conda [NAME]   Create the conda environment for Isaac Lab. Default name is 'isaaclab'.
isaaclab.bat --help

usage: isaaclab.bat [-h] [-i] [-f] [-p] [-s] [-v] [-d] [-c] -- Utility to manage Isaac Lab.

optional arguments:
   -h, --help           Display the help content.
   -i, --install [LIB]  Install the extensions inside Isaac Lab and learning frameworks (rl_games, rsl_rl, sb3, skrl) as extra dependencies. Default is 'all'.
   -f, --format         Run pre-commit to format the code and check lints.
   -p, --python         Run the python executable provided by Isaac Sim or virtual environment (if active).
   -s, --sim            Run the simulator executable (isaac-sim.bat) provided by Isaac Sim.
   -t, --test           Run all python unittest tests.
   -v, --vscode         Generate the VSCode settings file from template.
   -d, --docs           Build the documentation from source using sphinx.
   -c, --conda [NAME]   Create the conda environment for Isaac Lab. Default name is 'isaaclab'.


  • Install dependencies using apt (on Ubuntu):

    sudo apt install cmake build-essential
  • Run the install command that iterates over all the extensions in source/extensions directory and installs them using pip (with --editable flag):

./ --install # or "./ -i"
isaaclab.bat --install :: or "isaaclab.bat -i"


By default, this will install all the learning frameworks. If you want to install only a specific framework, you can pass the name of the framework as an argument. For example, to install only the rl_games framework, you can run

./ --install rl_games  # or "./ -i rl_games"
isaaclab.bat --install rl_games :: or "isaaclab.bat -i rl_games"

The valid options are rl_games, rsl_rl, sb3, skrl, robomimic, none.