Source code for omni.isaac.lab.sim.schemas.schemas_cfg

# Copyright (c) 2022-2024, The Isaac Lab Project Developers.
# All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

from typing import Literal

from omni.isaac.lab.utils import configclass

[docs]@configclass class ArticulationRootPropertiesCfg: """Properties to apply to the root of an articulation. See :meth:`modify_articulation_root_properties` for more information. .. note:: If the values are None, they are not modified. This is useful when you want to set only a subset of the properties and leave the rest as-is. """ articulation_enabled: bool | None = None """Whether to enable or disable articulation.""" enabled_self_collisions: bool | None = None """Whether to enable or disable self-collisions.""" solver_position_iteration_count: int | None = None """Solver position iteration counts for the body.""" solver_velocity_iteration_count: int | None = None """Solver position iteration counts for the body.""" sleep_threshold: float | None = None """Mass-normalized kinetic energy threshold below which an actor may go to sleep.""" stabilization_threshold: float | None = None """The mass-normalized kinetic energy threshold below which an articulation may participate in stabilization.""" fix_root_link: bool | None = None """Whether to fix the root link of the articulation. * If set to None, the root link is not modified. * If the articulation already has a fixed root link, this flag will enable or disable the fixed joint. * If the articulation does not have a fixed root link, this flag will create a fixed joint between the world frame and the root link. The joint is created with the name "FixedJoint" under the articulation prim. .. note:: This is a non-USD schema property. It is handled by the :meth:`modify_articulation_root_properties` function. """
[docs]@configclass class RigidBodyPropertiesCfg: """Properties to apply to a rigid body. See :meth:`modify_rigid_body_properties` for more information. .. note:: If the values are None, they are not modified. This is useful when you want to set only a subset of the properties and leave the rest as-is. """ rigid_body_enabled: bool | None = None """Whether to enable or disable the rigid body.""" kinematic_enabled: bool | None = None """Determines whether the body is kinematic or not. A kinematic body is a body that is moved through animated poses or through user defined poses. The simulation still derives velocities for the kinematic body based on the external motion. For more information on kinematic bodies, please refer to the `documentation <>`_. """ disable_gravity: bool | None = None """Disable gravity for the actor.""" linear_damping: float | None = None """Linear damping for the body.""" angular_damping: float | None = None """Angular damping for the body.""" max_linear_velocity: float | None = None """Maximum linear velocity for rigid bodies (in m/s).""" max_angular_velocity: float | None = None """Maximum angular velocity for rigid bodies (in deg/s).""" max_depenetration_velocity: float | None = None """Maximum depenetration velocity permitted to be introduced by the solver (in m/s).""" max_contact_impulse: float | None = None """The limit on the impulse that may be applied at a contact.""" enable_gyroscopic_forces: bool | None = None """Enables computation of gyroscopic forces on the rigid body.""" retain_accelerations: bool | None = None """Carries over forces/accelerations over sub-steps.""" solver_position_iteration_count: int | None = None """Solver position iteration counts for the body.""" solver_velocity_iteration_count: int | None = None """Solver position iteration counts for the body.""" sleep_threshold: float | None = None """Mass-normalized kinetic energy threshold below which an actor may go to sleep.""" stabilization_threshold: float | None = None """The mass-normalized kinetic energy threshold below which an actor may participate in stabilization."""
[docs]@configclass class CollisionPropertiesCfg: """Properties to apply to colliders in a rigid body. See :meth:`modify_collision_properties` for more information. .. note:: If the values are None, they are not modified. This is useful when you want to set only a subset of the properties and leave the rest as-is. """ collision_enabled: bool | None = None """Whether to enable or disable collisions.""" contact_offset: float | None = None """Contact offset for the collision shape (in m). The collision detector generates contact points as soon as two shapes get closer than the sum of their contact offsets. This quantity should be non-negative which means that contact generation can potentially start before the shapes actually penetrate. """ rest_offset: float | None = None """Rest offset for the collision shape (in m). The rest offset quantifies how close a shape gets to others at rest, At rest, the distance between two vertically stacked objects is the sum of their rest offsets. If a pair of shapes have a positive rest offset, the shapes will be separated at rest by an air gap. """ torsional_patch_radius: float | None = None """Radius of the contact patch for applying torsional friction (in m). It is used to approximate rotational friction introduced by the compression of contacting surfaces. If the radius is zero, no torsional friction is applied. """ min_torsional_patch_radius: float | None = None """Minimum radius of the contact patch for applying torsional friction (in m)."""
[docs]@configclass class MassPropertiesCfg: """Properties to define explicit mass properties of a rigid body. See :meth:`modify_mass_properties` for more information. .. note:: If the values are None, they are not modified. This is useful when you want to set only a subset of the properties and leave the rest as-is. """ mass: float | None = None """The mass of the rigid body (in kg). Note: If non-zero, the mass is ignored and the density is used to compute the mass. """ density: float | None = None """The density of the rigid body (in kg/m^3). The density indirectly defines the mass of the rigid body. It is generally computed using the collision approximation of the body. """
[docs]@configclass class JointDrivePropertiesCfg: """Properties to define the drive mechanism of a joint. See :meth:`modify_joint_drive_properties` for more information. .. note:: If the values are None, they are not modified. This is useful when you want to set only a subset of the properties and leave the rest as-is. """ drive_type: Literal["force", "acceleration"] | None = None """Joint drive type to apply. If the drive type is "force", then the joint is driven by a force. If the drive type is "acceleration", then the joint is driven by an acceleration (usually used for kinematic joints). """
[docs]@configclass class FixedTendonPropertiesCfg: """Properties to define fixed tendons of an articulation. See :meth:`modify_fixed_tendon_properties` for more information. .. note:: If the values are None, they are not modified. This is useful when you want to set only a subset of the properties and leave the rest as-is. """ tendon_enabled: bool | None = None """Whether to enable or disable the tendon.""" stiffness: float | None = None """Spring stiffness term acting on the tendon's length.""" damping: float | None = None """The damping term acting on both the tendon length and the tendon-length limits.""" limit_stiffness: float | None = None """Limit stiffness term acting on the tendon's length limits.""" offset: float | None = None """Length offset term for the tendon. It defines an amount to be added to the accumulated length computed for the tendon. This allows the application to actuate the tendon by shortening or lengthening it. """ rest_length: float | None = None """Spring rest length of the tendon."""