Source code for omni.isaac.lab.sensors.contact_sensor.contact_sensor_data

# Copyright (c) 2022-2024, The Isaac Lab Project Developers.
# All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

# needed to import for allowing type-hinting: torch.Tensor | None
from __future__ import annotations

import torch
from dataclasses import dataclass

[docs]@dataclass class ContactSensorData: """Data container for the contact reporting sensor.""" pos_w: torch.Tensor | None = None """Position of the sensor origin in world frame. Shape is (N, 3), where N is the number of sensors. Note: If the :attr:`ContactSensorCfg.track_pose` is False, then this qunatity is None. """ quat_w: torch.Tensor | None = None """Orientation of the sensor origin in quaternion (w, x, y, z) in world frame. Shape is (N, 4), where N is the number of sensors. Note: If the :attr:`ContactSensorCfg.track_pose` is False, then this qunatity is None. """ net_forces_w: torch.Tensor | None = None """The net contact forces in world frame. Shape is (N, B, 3), where N is the number of sensors and B is the number of bodies in each sensor. """ net_forces_w_history: torch.Tensor | None = None """The net contact forces in world frame. Shape is (N, T, B, 3), where N is the number of sensors, T is the configured history length and B is the number of bodies in each sensor. In the history dimension, the first index is the most recent and the last index is the oldest. """ force_matrix_w: torch.Tensor | None = None """The contact forces filtered between the sensor bodies and filtered bodies in world frame. Shape is (N, B, M, 3), where N is the number of sensors, B is number of bodies in each sensor and ``M`` is the number of filtered bodies. Note: If the :attr:`ContactSensorCfg.filter_prim_paths_expr` is empty, then this quantity is None. """ last_air_time: torch.Tensor | None = None """Time spent (in s) in the air before the last contact. Shape is (N, B), where N is the number of sensors and B is the number of bodies in each sensor. Note: If the :attr:`ContactSensorCfg.track_air_time` is False, then this quantity is None. """ current_air_time: torch.Tensor | None = None """Time spent (in s) in the air since the last detach. Shape is (N, B), where N is the number of sensors and B is the number of bodies in each sensor. Note: If the :attr:`ContactSensorCfg.track_air_time` is False, then this quantity is None. """ last_contact_time: torch.Tensor | None = None """Time spent (in s) in contact before the last detach. Shape is (N, B), where N is the number of sensors and B is the number of bodies in each sensor. Note: If the :attr:`ContactSensorCfg.track_air_time` is False, then this quantity is None. """ current_contact_time: torch.Tensor | None = None """Time spent (in s) in contact since the last contact. Shape is (N, B), where N is the number of sensors and B is the number of bodies in each sensor. Note: If the :attr:`ContactSensorCfg.track_air_time` is False, then this quantity is None. """