Source code for isaaclab.utils.warp.ops

# Copyright (c) 2022-2025, The Isaac Lab Project Developers.
# All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

"""Wrapping around warp kernels for compatibility with torch tensors."""

# needed to import for allowing type-hinting: torch.Tensor | None
from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np
import torch

import warp as wp

# disable warp module initialization messages
wp.config.quiet = True
# initialize the warp module

from . import kernels

[docs]def raycast_mesh( ray_starts: torch.Tensor, ray_directions: torch.Tensor, mesh: wp.Mesh, max_dist: float = 1e6, return_distance: bool = False, return_normal: bool = False, return_face_id: bool = False, ) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor | None, torch.Tensor | None, torch.Tensor | None]: """Performs ray-casting against a mesh. Note that the `ray_starts` and `ray_directions`, and `ray_hits` should have compatible shapes and data types to ensure proper execution. Additionally, they all must be in the same frame. Args: ray_starts: The starting position of the rays. Shape (N, 3). ray_directions: The ray directions for each ray. Shape (N, 3). mesh: The warp mesh to ray-cast against. max_dist: The maximum distance to ray-cast. Defaults to 1e6. return_distance: Whether to return the distance of the ray until it hits the mesh. Defaults to False. return_normal: Whether to return the normal of the mesh face the ray hits. Defaults to False. return_face_id: Whether to return the face id of the mesh face the ray hits. Defaults to False. Returns: The ray hit position. Shape (N, 3). The returned tensor contains :obj:`float('inf')` for missed hits. The ray hit distance. Shape (N,). Will only return if :attr:`return_distance` is True, else returns None. The returned tensor contains :obj:`float('inf')` for missed hits. The ray hit normal. Shape (N, 3). Will only return if :attr:`return_normal` is True else returns None. The returned tensor contains :obj:`float('inf')` for missed hits. The ray hit face id. Shape (N,). Will only return if :attr:`return_face_id` is True else returns None. The returned tensor contains :obj:`int(-1)` for missed hits. """ # extract device and shape information shape = ray_starts.shape device = ray_starts.device # device of the mesh torch_device = wp.device_to_torch(mesh.device) # reshape the tensors ray_starts =, 3).contiguous() ray_directions =, 3).contiguous() num_rays = ray_starts.shape[0] # create output tensor for the ray hits ray_hits = torch.full((num_rays, 3), float("inf"), device=torch_device).contiguous() # map the memory to warp arrays ray_starts_wp = wp.from_torch(ray_starts, dtype=wp.vec3) ray_directions_wp = wp.from_torch(ray_directions, dtype=wp.vec3) ray_hits_wp = wp.from_torch(ray_hits, dtype=wp.vec3) if return_distance: ray_distance = torch.full((num_rays,), float("inf"), device=torch_device).contiguous() ray_distance_wp = wp.from_torch(ray_distance, dtype=wp.float32) else: ray_distance = None ray_distance_wp = wp.empty((1,), dtype=wp.float32, device=torch_device) if return_normal: ray_normal = torch.full((num_rays, 3), float("inf"), device=torch_device).contiguous() ray_normal_wp = wp.from_torch(ray_normal, dtype=wp.vec3) else: ray_normal = None ray_normal_wp = wp.empty((1,), dtype=wp.vec3, device=torch_device) if return_face_id: ray_face_id = torch.ones((num_rays,), dtype=torch.int32, device=torch_device).contiguous() * (-1) ray_face_id_wp = wp.from_torch(ray_face_id, dtype=wp.int32) else: ray_face_id = None ray_face_id_wp = wp.empty((1,), dtype=wp.int32, device=torch_device) # launch the warp kernel wp.launch( kernel=kernels.raycast_mesh_kernel, dim=num_rays, inputs=[, ray_starts_wp, ray_directions_wp, ray_hits_wp, ray_distance_wp, ray_normal_wp, ray_face_id_wp, float(max_dist), int(return_distance), int(return_normal), int(return_face_id), ], device=mesh.device, ) # NOTE: Synchronize is not needed anymore, but we keep it for now. Check with @dhoeller. wp.synchronize() if return_distance: ray_distance =[0], shape[1]) if return_normal: ray_normal = if return_face_id: ray_face_id =[0], shape[1]) return, ray_distance, ray_normal, ray_face_id
[docs]def convert_to_warp_mesh(points: np.ndarray, indices: np.ndarray, device: str) -> wp.Mesh: """Create a warp mesh object with a mesh defined from vertices and triangles. Args: points: The vertices of the mesh. Shape is (N, 3), where N is the number of vertices. indices: The triangles of the mesh as references to vertices for each triangle. Shape is (M, 3), where M is the number of triangles / faces. device: The device to use for the mesh. Returns: The warp mesh object. """ return wp.Mesh( points=wp.array(points.astype(np.float32), dtype=wp.vec3, device=device), indices=wp.array(indices.astype(np.int32).flatten(), dtype=wp.int32, device=device), )