From Orbit#

Since Orbit was used as basis for Isaac Lab, migrating from Orbit to Isaac Lab is straightforward. The following sections describe the changes that need to be made to your code to migrate from Orbit to Isaac Lab.


The following changes are with respect to Isaac Lab 1.0 release. Please refer to the release notes for any changes in the future releases.

Renaming of the launch script#

The script has been renamed to

Updates to extensions#

The extensions omni.isaac.orbit, omni.isaac.orbit_tasks, and omni.isaac.orbit_assets have been renamed to isaaclab, isaaclab_tasks, and isaaclab_assets, respectively. Thus, the new folder structure looks like this:

  • source/isaaclab/isaaclab

  • source/isaaclab_tasks/isaaclab_tasks

  • source/isaaclab_assets/isaaclab_assets

The high level imports have to be updated as well:


Isaac Lab

from omni.isaac.orbit...

from isaaclab...

from omni.isaac.orbit_tasks...

from isaaclab_tasks...

from omni.isaac.orbit_assets...

from isaaclab_assets...

Updates to class names#

In Isaac Lab, we introduced the concept of task design workflows (see Task Design Workflows). The Orbit code is using the manager-based workflow and the environment specific class names have been updated to reflect this change:

Updates to the tasks folder structure#

To support the manager-based and direct workflows, we have added two folders in the tasks extension:

  • source/isaaclab_tasks/isaaclab_tasks/manager_based

  • source/isaaclab_tasks/isaaclab_tasks/direct

The tasks from Orbit can now be found under the manager_based folder. This change must also be reflected in the imports for your tasks. For example,

from omni.isaac.orbit_tasks.locomotion.velocity.velocity_env_cfg ...

should now be:

from isaaclab_tasks.manager_based.locomotion.velocity.velocity_env_cfg ...

Other Breaking changes#

Setting the device#

The argument --cpu has been removed in favor of --device device_name. Valid options for device_name are:

  • cpu: Use CPU.

  • cuda: Use GPU with device ID 0.

  • cuda:N: Use GPU, where N is the device ID. For example, cuda:0.

The default value is cuda:0.

Offscreen rendering#

The input argument --offscreen_render given to and the environment variable OFFSCREEN_RENDER have been renamed to --enable_cameras and ENABLE_CAMERAS respectively.

Event term distribution configuration#

Some of the event functions in accepted a distribution parameter and a range to sample from. In an effort to support arbitrary distributions, we have renamed the input argument AAA_range to AAA_distribution_params for these functions. Therefore, event term configurations whose functions have a distribution argument should be updated. For example,

add_base_mass = EventTerm(
        "asset_cfg": SceneEntityCfg("robot", body_names="base"),
        "mass_range": (-5.0, 5.0),
        "operation": "add",

should now be:

add_base_mass = EventTerm(
        "asset_cfg": SceneEntityCfg("robot", body_names="base"),
        "mass_distribution_params": (-5.0, 5.0),
        "operation": "add",