Source code for isaaclab.utils.noise.noise_cfg

# Copyright (c) 2022-2025, The Isaac Lab Project Developers.
# All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

from __future__ import annotations

import torch
from import Callable
from dataclasses import MISSING
from typing import Literal

from isaaclab.utils import configclass

from . import noise_model

[docs]@configclass class NoiseCfg: """Base configuration for a noise term.""" func: Callable[[torch.Tensor, NoiseCfg], torch.Tensor] = MISSING """The function to be called for applying the noise. Note: The shape of the input and output tensors must be the same. """ operation: Literal["add", "scale", "abs"] = "add" """The operation to apply the noise on the data. Defaults to "add"."""
[docs]@configclass class ConstantNoiseCfg(NoiseCfg): """Configuration for an additive constant noise term.""" func = noise_model.constant_noise bias: torch.Tensor | float = 0.0 """The bias to add. Defaults to 0.0."""
[docs]@configclass class UniformNoiseCfg(NoiseCfg): """Configuration for a additive uniform noise term.""" func = noise_model.uniform_noise n_min: torch.Tensor | float = -1.0 """The minimum value of the noise. Defaults to -1.0.""" n_max: torch.Tensor | float = 1.0 """The maximum value of the noise. Defaults to 1.0."""
[docs]@configclass class GaussianNoiseCfg(NoiseCfg): """Configuration for an additive gaussian noise term.""" func = noise_model.gaussian_noise mean: torch.Tensor | float = 0.0 """The mean of the noise. Defaults to 0.0.""" std: torch.Tensor | float = 1.0 """The standard deviation of the noise. Defaults to 1.0."""
## # Noise models ##
[docs]@configclass class NoiseModelCfg: """Configuration for a noise model.""" class_type: type = noise_model.NoiseModel """The class type of the noise model.""" noise_cfg: NoiseCfg = MISSING """The noise configuration to use."""
[docs]@configclass class NoiseModelWithAdditiveBiasCfg(NoiseModelCfg): """Configuration for an additive gaussian noise with bias model.""" class_type: type = noise_model.NoiseModelWithAdditiveBias bias_noise_cfg: NoiseCfg = MISSING """The noise configuration for the bias. Based on this configuration, the bias is sampled at every reset of the noise model. """