Source code for isaaclab.utils.buffers.circular_buffer

# Copyright (c) 2022-2025, The Isaac Lab Project Developers.
# All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

import torch
from import Sequence

[docs]class CircularBuffer: """Circular buffer for storing a history of batched tensor data. This class implements a circular buffer for storing a history of batched tensor data. The buffer is initialized with a maximum length and a batch size. The data is stored in a circular fashion, and the data can be retrieved in a LIFO (Last-In-First-Out) fashion. The buffer is designed to be used in multi-environment settings, where each environment has its own data. The shape of the appended data is expected to be (batch_size, ...), where the first dimension is the batch dimension. Correspondingly, the shape of the ring buffer is (max_len, batch_size, ...). """
[docs] def __init__(self, max_len: int, batch_size: int, device: str): """Initialize the circular buffer. Args: max_len: The maximum length of the circular buffer. The minimum allowed value is 1. batch_size: The batch dimension of the data. device: The device used for processing. Raises: ValueError: If the buffer size is less than one. """ if max_len < 1: raise ValueError(f"The buffer size should be greater than zero. However, it is set to {max_len}!") # set the parameters self._batch_size = batch_size self._device = device self._ALL_INDICES = torch.arange(batch_size, device=device) # max length tensor for comparisons self._max_len = torch.full((batch_size,), max_len,, device=device) # number of data pushes passed since the last call to :meth:`reset` self._num_pushes = torch.zeros(batch_size, dtype=torch.long, device=device) # the pointer to the current head of the circular buffer (-1 means not initialized) self._pointer: int = -1 # the actual buffer for data storage # note: this is initialized on the first call to :meth:`append` self._buffer: torch.Tensor = None # type: ignore
""" Properties. """ @property def batch_size(self) -> int: """The batch size of the ring buffer.""" return self._batch_size @property def device(self) -> str: """The device used for processing.""" return self._device @property def max_length(self) -> int: """The maximum length of the ring buffer.""" return int(self._max_len[0].item()) @property def current_length(self) -> torch.Tensor: """The current length of the buffer. Shape is (batch_size,). Since the buffer is circular, the current length is the minimum of the number of pushes and the maximum length. """ return torch.minimum(self._num_pushes, self._max_len) @property def buffer(self) -> torch.Tensor: """Complete circular buffer with most recent entry at the end and oldest entry at the beginning. Returns: Complete circular buffer with most recent entry at the end and oldest entry at the beginning of dimension 1. The shape is [batch_size, max_length, data.shape[1:]]. """ buf = self._buffer.clone() buf = torch.roll(buf, shifts=self.max_length - self._pointer - 1, dims=0) return torch.transpose(buf, dim0=0, dim1=1) """ Operations. """
[docs] def reset(self, batch_ids: Sequence[int] | None = None): """Reset the circular buffer at the specified batch indices. Args: batch_ids: Elements to reset in the batch dimension. Default is None, which resets all the batch indices. """ # resolve all indices if batch_ids is None: batch_ids = slice(None) # reset the number of pushes for the specified batch indices self._num_pushes[batch_ids] = 0 if self._buffer is not None: # set buffer at batch_id reset indices to 0.0 so that the buffer() getter returns the cleared circular buffer after reset. self._buffer[:, batch_ids, :] = 0.0
[docs] def append(self, data: torch.Tensor): """Append the data to the circular buffer. Args: data: The data to append to the circular buffer. The first dimension should be the batch dimension. Shape is (batch_size, ...). Raises: ValueError: If the input data has a different batch size than the buffer. """ # check the batch size if data.shape[0] != self.batch_size: raise ValueError(f"The input data has {data.shape[0]} environments while expecting {self.batch_size}") # at the first call, initialize the buffer size if self._buffer is None: self._pointer = -1 self._buffer = torch.empty((self.max_length, *data.shape), dtype=data.dtype, device=self._device) # move the head to the next slot self._pointer = (self._pointer + 1) % self.max_length # add the new data to the last layer self._buffer[self._pointer] = # Check for batches with zero pushes and initialize all values in batch to first append if 0 in self._num_pushes.tolist(): fill_ids = [i for i, x in enumerate(self._num_pushes.tolist()) if x == 0] self._num_pushes.tolist().index(0) if 0 in self._num_pushes.tolist() else None self._buffer[:, fill_ids, :] =[fill_ids] # increment number of number of pushes for all batches self._num_pushes += 1
def __getitem__(self, key: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Retrieve the data from the circular buffer in last-in-first-out (LIFO) fashion. If the requested index is larger than the number of pushes since the last call to :meth:`reset`, the oldest stored data is returned. Args: key: The index to retrieve from the circular buffer. The index should be less than the number of pushes since the last call to :meth:`reset`. Shape is (batch_size,). Returns: The data from the circular buffer. Shape is (batch_size, ...). Raises: ValueError: If the input key has a different batch size than the buffer. RuntimeError: If the buffer is empty. """ # check the batch size if len(key) != self.batch_size: raise ValueError(f"The argument 'key' has length {key.shape[0]}, while expecting {self.batch_size}") # check if the buffer is empty if torch.any(self._num_pushes == 0) or self._buffer is None: raise RuntimeError("Attempting to retrieve data on an empty circular buffer. Please append data first.") # admissible lag valid_keys = torch.minimum(key, self._num_pushes - 1) # the index in the circular buffer (pointer points to the last+1 index) index_in_buffer = torch.remainder(self._pointer - valid_keys, self.max_length) # return output return self._buffer[index_in_buffer, self._ALL_INDICES]