Source code for isaaclab.envs.mdp.actions.actions_cfg
# Copyright (c) 2022-2025, The Isaac Lab Project Developers.# All rights reserved.## SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-ClausefromdataclassesimportMISSINGfromisaaclab.controllersimportDifferentialIKControllerCfg,OperationalSpaceControllerCfgfromisaaclab.managers.action_managerimportActionTerm,ActionTermCfgfromisaaclab.utilsimportconfigclassfrom.importbinary_joint_actions,joint_actions,joint_actions_to_limits,non_holonomic_actions,task_space_actions### Joint actions.##
[docs]@configclassclassJointActionCfg(ActionTermCfg):"""Configuration for the base joint action term. See :class:`JointAction` for more details. """joint_names:list[str]=MISSING"""List of joint names or regex expressions that the action will be mapped to."""scale:float|dict[str,float]=1.0"""Scale factor for the action (float or dict of regex expressions). Defaults to 1.0."""offset:float|dict[str,float]=0.0"""Offset factor for the action (float or dict of regex expressions). Defaults to 0.0."""preserve_order:bool=False"""Whether to preserve the order of the joint names in the action output. Defaults to False."""
[docs]@configclassclassJointPositionActionCfg(JointActionCfg):"""Configuration for the joint position action term. See :class:`JointPositionAction` for more details. """class_type:type[ActionTerm]=joint_actions.JointPositionActionuse_default_offset:bool=True"""Whether to use default joint positions configured in the articulation asset as offset. Defaults to True. If True, this flag results in overwriting the values of :attr:`offset` to the default joint positions from the articulation asset. """
[docs]@configclassclassRelativeJointPositionActionCfg(JointActionCfg):"""Configuration for the relative joint position action term. See :class:`RelativeJointPositionAction` for more details. """class_type:type[ActionTerm]=joint_actions.RelativeJointPositionActionuse_zero_offset:bool=True"""Whether to ignore the offset defined in articulation asset. Defaults to True. If True, this flag results in overwriting the values of :attr:`offset` to zero. """
[docs]@configclassclassJointVelocityActionCfg(JointActionCfg):"""Configuration for the joint velocity action term. See :class:`JointVelocityAction` for more details. """class_type:type[ActionTerm]=joint_actions.JointVelocityActionuse_default_offset:bool=True"""Whether to use default joint velocities configured in the articulation asset as offset. Defaults to True. This overrides the settings from :attr:`offset` if set to True. """
[docs]@configclassclassJointEffortActionCfg(JointActionCfg):"""Configuration for the joint effort action term. See :class:`JointEffortAction` for more details. """class_type:type[ActionTerm]=joint_actions.JointEffortAction
### Joint actions rescaled to limits.##
[docs]@configclassclassJointPositionToLimitsActionCfg(ActionTermCfg):"""Configuration for the bounded joint position action term. See :class:`JointPositionWithinLimitsAction` for more details. """class_type:type[ActionTerm]=joint_actions_to_limits.JointPositionToLimitsActionjoint_names:list[str]=MISSING"""List of joint names or regex expressions that the action will be mapped to."""scale:float|dict[str,float]=1.0"""Scale factor for the action (float or dict of regex expressions). Defaults to 1.0."""rescale_to_limits:bool=True"""Whether to rescale the action to the joint limits. Defaults to True. If True, the input actions are rescaled to the joint limits, i.e., the action value in the range [-1, 1] corresponds to the joint lower and upper limits respectively. Note: This operation is performed after applying the scale factor. """
[docs]@configclassclassEMAJointPositionToLimitsActionCfg(JointPositionToLimitsActionCfg):"""Configuration for the exponential moving average (EMA) joint position action term. See :class:`EMAJointPositionToLimitsAction` for more details. """class_type:type[ActionTerm]=joint_actions_to_limits.EMAJointPositionToLimitsActionalpha:float|dict[str,float]=1.0"""The weight for the moving average (float or dict of regex expressions). Defaults to 1.0. If set to 1.0, the processed action is applied directly without any moving average window. """
### Gripper actions.##
[docs]@configclassclassBinaryJointActionCfg(ActionTermCfg):"""Configuration for the base binary joint action term. See :class:`BinaryJointAction` for more details. """joint_names:list[str]=MISSING"""List of joint names or regex expressions that the action will be mapped to."""open_command_expr:dict[str,float]=MISSING"""The joint command to move to *open* configuration."""close_command_expr:dict[str,float]=MISSING"""The joint command to move to *close* configuration."""
[docs]@configclassclassBinaryJointPositionActionCfg(BinaryJointActionCfg):"""Configuration for the binary joint position action term. See :class:`BinaryJointPositionAction` for more details. """class_type:type[ActionTerm]=binary_joint_actions.BinaryJointPositionAction
[docs]@configclassclassBinaryJointVelocityActionCfg(BinaryJointActionCfg):"""Configuration for the binary joint velocity action term. See :class:`BinaryJointVelocityAction` for more details. """class_type:type[ActionTerm]=binary_joint_actions.BinaryJointVelocityAction
### Non-holonomic actions.##
[docs]@configclassclassNonHolonomicActionCfg(ActionTermCfg):"""Configuration for the non-holonomic action term with dummy joints at the base. See :class:`NonHolonomicAction` for more details. """class_type:type[ActionTerm]=non_holonomic_actions.NonHolonomicActionbody_name:str=MISSING"""Name of the body which has the dummy mechanism connected to."""x_joint_name:str=MISSING"""The dummy joint name in the x direction."""y_joint_name:str=MISSING"""The dummy joint name in the y direction."""yaw_joint_name:str=MISSING"""The dummy joint name in the yaw direction."""scale:tuple[float,float]=(1.0,1.0)"""Scale factor for the action. Defaults to (1.0, 1.0)."""offset:tuple[float,float]=(0.0,0.0)"""Offset factor for the action. Defaults to (0.0, 0.0)."""
### Task-space Actions.##
[docs]@configclassclassDifferentialInverseKinematicsActionCfg(ActionTermCfg):"""Configuration for inverse differential kinematics action term. See :class:`DifferentialInverseKinematicsAction` for more details. """
[docs]@configclassclassOffsetCfg:"""The offset pose from parent frame to child frame. On many robots, end-effector frames are fictitious frames that do not have a corresponding rigid body. In such cases, it is easier to define this transform w.r.t. their parent rigid body. For instance, for the Franka Emika arm, the end-effector is defined at an offset to the the "panda_hand" frame. """pos:tuple[float,float,float]=(0.0,0.0,0.0)"""Translation w.r.t. the parent frame. Defaults to (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)."""rot:tuple[float,float,float,float]=(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0)"""Quaternion rotation ``(w, x, y, z)`` w.r.t. the parent frame. Defaults to (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)."""
class_type:type[ActionTerm]=task_space_actions.DifferentialInverseKinematicsActionjoint_names:list[str]=MISSING"""List of joint names or regex expressions that the action will be mapped to."""body_name:str=MISSING"""Name of the body or frame for which IK is performed."""body_offset:OffsetCfg|None=None"""Offset of target frame w.r.t. to the body frame. Defaults to None, in which case no offset is applied."""scale:float|tuple[float,...]=1.0"""Scale factor for the action. Defaults to 1.0."""controller:DifferentialIKControllerCfg=MISSING"""The configuration for the differential IK controller."""
[docs]@configclassclassOperationalSpaceControllerActionCfg(ActionTermCfg):"""Configuration for operational space controller action term. See :class:`OperationalSpaceControllerAction` for more details. """
[docs]@configclassclassOffsetCfg:"""The offset pose from parent frame to child frame. On many robots, end-effector frames are fictitious frames that do not have a corresponding rigid body. In such cases, it is easier to define this transform w.r.t. their parent rigid body. For instance, for the Franka Emika arm, the end-effector is defined at an offset to the the "panda_hand" frame. """pos:tuple[float,float,float]=(0.0,0.0,0.0)"""Translation w.r.t. the parent frame. Defaults to (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)."""rot:tuple[float,float,float,float]=(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0)"""Quaternion rotation ``(w, x, y, z)`` w.r.t. the parent frame. Defaults to (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)."""
class_type:type[ActionTerm]=task_space_actions.OperationalSpaceControllerActionjoint_names:list[str]=MISSING"""List of joint names or regex expressions that the action will be mapped to."""body_name:str=MISSING"""Name of the body or frame for which motion/force control is performed."""body_offset:OffsetCfg|None=None"""Offset of target frame w.r.t. to the body frame. Defaults to None, in which case no offset is applied."""task_frame_rel_path:str=None"""The path of a ``RigidObject``, relative to the sub-environment, representing task frame. Defaults to None."""controller_cfg:OperationalSpaceControllerCfg=MISSING"""The configuration for the operational space controller."""position_scale:float=1.0"""Scale factor for the position targets. Defaults to 1.0."""orientation_scale:float=1.0"""Scale factor for the orientation (quad for ``pose_abs`` or axis-angle for ``pose_rel``). Defaults to 1.0."""wrench_scale:float=1.0"""Scale factor for the wrench targets. Defaults to 1.0."""stiffness_scale:float=1.0"""Scale factor for the stiffness commands. Defaults to 1.0."""damping_ratio_scale:float=1.0"""Scale factor for the damping ratio commands. Defaults to 1.0."""nullspace_joint_pos_target:str="none""""The joint targets for the null-space control: ``"none"``, ``"zero"``, ``"default"``, ``"center"``. Note: Functional only when ``nullspace_control`` is set to ``"position"`` within the ``OperationalSpaceControllerCfg``. """