# Copyright (c) 2022-2025, The Isaac Lab Project Developers.
# All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
from __future__ import annotations
import torch
from collections.abc import Sequence
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
import omni.log
import omni.physics.tensors.impl.api as physx
from pxr import UsdPhysics
import isaaclab.sim as sim_utils
import isaaclab.utils.math as math_utils
import isaaclab.utils.string as string_utils
from ..asset_base import AssetBase
from .rigid_object_data import RigidObjectData
from .rigid_object_cfg import RigidObjectCfg
[docs]class RigidObject(AssetBase):
"""A rigid object asset class.
Rigid objects are assets comprising of rigid bodies. They can be used to represent dynamic objects
such as boxes, spheres, etc. A rigid body is described by its pose, velocity and mass distribution.
For an asset to be considered a rigid object, the root prim of the asset must have the `USD RigidBodyAPI`_
applied to it. This API is used to define the simulation properties of the rigid body. On playing the
simulation, the physics engine will automatically register the rigid body and create a corresponding
rigid body handle. This handle can be accessed using the :attr:`root_physx_view` attribute.
.. note::
For users familiar with Isaac Sim, the PhysX view class API is not the exactly same as Isaac Sim view
class API. Similar to Isaac Lab, Isaac Sim wraps around the PhysX view API. However, as of now (2023.1 release),
we see a large difference in initializing the view classes in Isaac Sim. This is because the view classes
in Isaac Sim perform additional USD-related operations which are slow and also not required.
.. _`USD RigidBodyAPI`: https://openusd.org/dev/api/class_usd_physics_rigid_body_a_p_i.html
cfg: RigidObjectCfg
"""Configuration instance for the rigid object."""
[docs] def __init__(self, cfg: RigidObjectCfg):
"""Initialize the rigid object.
cfg: A configuration instance.
def data(self) -> RigidObjectData:
return self._data
def num_instances(self) -> int:
return self.root_physx_view.count
def num_bodies(self) -> int:
"""Number of bodies in the asset.
This is always 1 since each object is a single rigid body.
return 1
def body_names(self) -> list[str]:
"""Ordered names of bodies in the rigid object."""
prim_paths = self.root_physx_view.prim_paths[: self.num_bodies]
return [path.split("/")[-1] for path in prim_paths]
def root_physx_view(self) -> physx.RigidBodyView:
"""Rigid body view for the asset (PhysX).
Use this view with caution. It requires handling of tensors in a specific way.
return self._root_physx_view
[docs] def reset(self, env_ids: Sequence[int] | None = None):
# resolve all indices
if env_ids is None:
env_ids = slice(None)
# reset external wrench
self._external_force_b[env_ids] = 0.0
self._external_torque_b[env_ids] = 0.0
[docs] def write_data_to_sim(self):
"""Write external wrench to the simulation.
We write external wrench to the simulation here since this function is called before the simulation step.
This ensures that the external wrench is applied at every simulation step.
# write external wrench
if self.has_external_wrench:
force_data=self._external_force_b.view(-1, 3),
torque_data=self._external_torque_b.view(-1, 3),
[docs] def update(self, dt: float):
Operations - Finders.
[docs] def find_bodies(self, name_keys: str | Sequence[str], preserve_order: bool = False) -> tuple[list[int], list[str]]:
"""Find bodies in the rigid body based on the name keys.
Please check the :meth:`isaaclab.utils.string_utils.resolve_matching_names` function for more
information on the name matching.
name_keys: A regular expression or a list of regular expressions to match the body names.
preserve_order: Whether to preserve the order of the name keys in the output. Defaults to False.
A tuple of lists containing the body indices and names.
return string_utils.resolve_matching_names(name_keys, self.body_names, preserve_order)
Operations - Write to simulation.
[docs] def write_root_state_to_sim(self, root_state: torch.Tensor, env_ids: Sequence[int] | None = None):
"""Set the root state over selected environment indices into the simulation.
The root state comprises of the cartesian position, quaternion orientation in (w, x, y, z), and linear
and angular velocity. All the quantities are in the simulation frame.
root_state: Root state in simulation frame. Shape is (len(env_ids), 13).
env_ids: Environment indices. If None, then all indices are used.
# set into simulation
self.write_root_pose_to_sim(root_state[:, :7], env_ids=env_ids)
self.write_root_velocity_to_sim(root_state[:, 7:], env_ids=env_ids)
[docs] def write_root_com_state_to_sim(self, root_state: torch.Tensor, env_ids: Sequence[int] | None = None):
"""Set the root center of mass state over selected environment indices into the simulation.
The root state comprises of the cartesian position, quaternion orientation in (w, x, y, z), and linear
and angular velocity. All the quantities are in the simulation frame.
root_state: Root state in simulation frame. Shape is (len(env_ids), 13).
env_ids: Environment indices. If None, then all indices are used.
# set into simulation
self.write_root_com_pose_to_sim(root_state[:, :7], env_ids=env_ids)
self.write_root_com_velocity_to_sim(root_state[:, 7:], env_ids=env_ids)
[docs] def write_root_link_state_to_sim(self, root_state: torch.Tensor, env_ids: Sequence[int] | None = None):
"""Set the root link state over selected environment indices into the simulation.
The root state comprises of the cartesian position, quaternion orientation in (w, x, y, z), and linear
and angular velocity. All the quantities are in the simulation frame.
root_state: Root state in simulation frame. Shape is (len(env_ids), 13).
env_ids: Environment indices. If None, then all indices are used.
# set into simulation
self.write_root_link_pose_to_sim(root_state[:, :7], env_ids=env_ids)
self.write_root_link_velocity_to_sim(root_state[:, 7:], env_ids=env_ids)
[docs] def write_root_pose_to_sim(self, root_pose: torch.Tensor, env_ids: Sequence[int] | None = None):
"""Set the root pose over selected environment indices into the simulation.
The root pose comprises of the cartesian position and quaternion orientation in (w, x, y, z).
root_pose: Root poses in simulation frame. Shape is (len(env_ids), 7).
env_ids: Environment indices. If None, then all indices are used.
# resolve all indices
physx_env_ids = env_ids
if env_ids is None:
env_ids = slice(None)
physx_env_ids = self._ALL_INDICES
# note: we need to do this here since tensors are not set into simulation until step.
# set into internal buffers
self._data.root_state_w[env_ids, :7] = root_pose.clone()
# convert root quaternion from wxyz to xyzw
root_poses_xyzw = self._data.root_state_w[:, :7].clone()
root_poses_xyzw[:, 3:] = math_utils.convert_quat(root_poses_xyzw[:, 3:], to="xyzw")
# set into simulation
self.root_physx_view.set_transforms(root_poses_xyzw, indices=physx_env_ids)
[docs] def write_root_link_pose_to_sim(self, root_pose: torch.Tensor, env_ids: Sequence[int] | None = None):
"""Set the root link pose over selected environment indices into the simulation.
The root pose comprises of the cartesian position and quaternion orientation in (w, x, y, z).
root_pose: Root poses in simulation frame. Shape is (len(env_ids), 7).
env_ids: Environment indices. If None, then all indices are used.
# resolve all indices
physx_env_ids = env_ids
if env_ids is None:
env_ids = slice(None)
physx_env_ids = self._ALL_INDICES
# note: we need to do this here since tensors are not set into simulation until step.
# set into internal buffers
self._data.root_link_state_w[env_ids, :7] = root_pose.clone()
self._data.root_state_w[env_ids, :7] = self._data.root_link_state_w[env_ids, :7]
# convert root quaternion from wxyz to xyzw
root_poses_xyzw = self._data.root_link_state_w[:, :7].clone()
root_poses_xyzw[:, 3:] = math_utils.convert_quat(root_poses_xyzw[:, 3:], to="xyzw")
# set into simulation
self.root_physx_view.set_transforms(root_poses_xyzw, indices=physx_env_ids)
[docs] def write_root_com_pose_to_sim(self, root_pose: torch.Tensor, env_ids: Sequence[int] | None = None):
"""Set the root center of mass pose over selected environment indices into the simulation.
The root pose comprises of the cartesian position and quaternion orientation in (w, x, y, z).
The orientation is the orientation of the principle axes of inertia.
root_pose: Root center of mass poses in simulation frame. Shape is (len(env_ids), 7).
env_ids: Environment indices. If None, then all indices are used.
# resolve all indices
if env_ids is None:
local_env_ids = slice(env_ids)
local_env_ids = env_ids
com_pos = self.data.com_pos_b[local_env_ids, 0, :]
com_quat = self.data.com_quat_b[local_env_ids, 0, :]
root_link_pos, root_link_quat = math_utils.combine_frame_transforms(
root_pose[..., :3],
root_pose[..., 3:7],
math_utils.quat_rotate(math_utils.quat_inv(com_quat), -com_pos),
root_link_pose = torch.cat((root_link_pos, root_link_quat), dim=-1)
self.write_root_link_pose_to_sim(root_pose=root_link_pose, env_ids=env_ids)
[docs] def write_root_velocity_to_sim(self, root_velocity: torch.Tensor, env_ids: Sequence[int] | None = None):
"""Set the root center of mass velocity over selected environment indices into the simulation.
The velocity comprises linear velocity (x, y, z) and angular velocity (x, y, z) in that order.
NOTE: This sets the velocity of the root's center of mass rather than the roots frame.
root_velocity: Root center of mass velocities in simulation world frame. Shape is (len(env_ids), 6).
env_ids: Environment indices. If None, then all indices are used.
# resolve all indices
physx_env_ids = env_ids
if env_ids is None:
env_ids = slice(None)
physx_env_ids = self._ALL_INDICES
# note: we need to do this here since tensors are not set into simulation until step.
# set into internal buffers
self._data.root_state_w[env_ids, 7:] = root_velocity.clone()
self._data.body_acc_w[env_ids] = 0.0
# set into simulation
self.root_physx_view.set_velocities(self._data.root_state_w[:, 7:], indices=physx_env_ids)
[docs] def write_root_com_velocity_to_sim(self, root_velocity: torch.Tensor, env_ids: Sequence[int] | None = None):
"""Set the root center of mass velocity over selected environment indices into the simulation.
The velocity comprises linear velocity (x, y, z) and angular velocity (x, y, z) in that order.
NOTE: This sets the velocity of the root's center of mass rather than the roots frame.
root_velocity: Root center of mass velocities in simulation world frame. Shape is (len(env_ids), 6).
env_ids: Environment indices. If None, then all indices are used.
# resolve all indices
physx_env_ids = env_ids
if env_ids is None:
env_ids = slice(None)
physx_env_ids = self._ALL_INDICES
# note: we need to do this here since tensors are not set into simulation until step.
# set into internal buffers
self._data.root_com_state_w[env_ids, 7:] = root_velocity.clone()
self._data.root_state_w[env_ids, 7:] = self._data.root_com_state_w[env_ids, 7:]
self._data.body_acc_w[env_ids] = 0.0
# set into simulation
self.root_physx_view.set_velocities(self._data.root_com_state_w[:, 7:], indices=physx_env_ids)
[docs] def write_root_link_velocity_to_sim(self, root_velocity: torch.Tensor, env_ids: Sequence[int] | None = None):
"""Set the root link velocity over selected environment indices into the simulation.
The velocity comprises linear velocity (x, y, z) and angular velocity (x, y, z) in that order.
NOTE: This sets the velocity of the root's frame rather than the roots center of mass.
root_velocity: Root frame velocities in simulation world frame. Shape is (len(env_ids), 6).
env_ids: Environment indices. If None, then all indices are used.
# resolve all indices
if env_ids is None:
local_env_ids = slice(env_ids)
local_env_ids = env_ids
root_com_velocity = root_velocity.clone()
quat = self.data.root_link_state_w[local_env_ids, 3:7]
com_pos_b = self.data.com_pos_b[local_env_ids, 0, :]
# transform given velocity to center of mass
root_com_velocity[:, :3] += torch.linalg.cross(
root_com_velocity[:, 3:], math_utils.quat_rotate(quat, com_pos_b), dim=-1
# write center of mass velocity to sim
self.write_root_com_velocity_to_sim(root_velocity=root_com_velocity, env_ids=env_ids)
Operations - Setters.
[docs] def set_external_force_and_torque(
forces: torch.Tensor,
torques: torch.Tensor,
body_ids: Sequence[int] | slice | None = None,
env_ids: Sequence[int] | None = None,
"""Set external force and torque to apply on the asset's bodies in their local frame.
For many applications, we want to keep the applied external force on rigid bodies constant over a period of
time (for instance, during the policy control). This function allows us to store the external force and torque
into buffers which are then applied to the simulation at every step.
.. caution::
If the function is called with empty forces and torques, then this function disables the application
of external wrench to the simulation.
.. code-block:: python
# example of disabling external wrench
asset.set_external_force_and_torque(forces=torch.zeros(0, 3), torques=torch.zeros(0, 3))
.. note::
This function does not apply the external wrench to the simulation. It only fills the buffers with
the desired values. To apply the external wrench, call the :meth:`write_data_to_sim` function
right before the simulation step.
forces: External forces in bodies' local frame. Shape is (len(env_ids), len(body_ids), 3).
torques: External torques in bodies' local frame. Shape is (len(env_ids), len(body_ids), 3).
body_ids: Body indices to apply external wrench to. Defaults to None (all bodies).
env_ids: Environment indices to apply external wrench to. Defaults to None (all instances).
if forces.any() or torques.any():
self.has_external_wrench = True
self.has_external_wrench = False
# to be safe, explicitly set value to zero
forces = torques = 0.0
# resolve all indices
# -- env_ids
if env_ids is None:
env_ids = slice(None)
# -- body_ids
if body_ids is None:
body_ids = slice(None)
# broadcast env_ids if needed to allow double indexing
if env_ids != slice(None) and body_ids != slice(None):
env_ids = env_ids[:, None]
# set into internal buffers
self._external_force_b[env_ids, body_ids] = forces
self._external_torque_b[env_ids, body_ids] = torques
Internal helper.
def _initialize_impl(self):
# create simulation view
self._physics_sim_view = physx.create_simulation_view(self._backend)
# obtain the first prim in the regex expression (all others are assumed to be a copy of this)
template_prim = sim_utils.find_first_matching_prim(self.cfg.prim_path)
if template_prim is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to find prim for expression: '{self.cfg.prim_path}'.")
template_prim_path = template_prim.GetPath().pathString
# find rigid root prims
root_prims = sim_utils.get_all_matching_child_prims(
template_prim_path, predicate=lambda prim: prim.HasAPI(UsdPhysics.RigidBodyAPI)
if len(root_prims) == 0:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Failed to find a rigid body when resolving '{self.cfg.prim_path}'."
" Please ensure that the prim has 'USD RigidBodyAPI' applied."
if len(root_prims) > 1:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Failed to find a single rigid body when resolving '{self.cfg.prim_path}'."
f" Found multiple '{root_prims}' under '{template_prim_path}'."
" Please ensure that there is only one rigid body in the prim path tree."
articulation_prims = sim_utils.get_all_matching_child_prims(
template_prim_path, predicate=lambda prim: prim.HasAPI(UsdPhysics.ArticulationRootAPI)
if len(articulation_prims) != 0:
if articulation_prims[0].GetAttribute("physxArticulation:articulationEnabled").Get():
raise RuntimeError(
f"Found an articulation root when resolving '{self.cfg.prim_path}' for rigid objects. These are"
f" located at: '{articulation_prims}' under '{template_prim_path}'. Please disable the articulation"
" root in the USD or from code by setting the parameter"
" 'ArticulationRootPropertiesCfg.articulation_enabled' to False in the spawn configuration."
# resolve root prim back into regex expression
root_prim_path = root_prims[0].GetPath().pathString
root_prim_path_expr = self.cfg.prim_path + root_prim_path[len(template_prim_path) :]
# -- object view
self._root_physx_view = self._physics_sim_view.create_rigid_body_view(root_prim_path_expr.replace(".*", "*"))
# check if the rigid body was created
if self._root_physx_view._backend is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to create rigid body at: {self.cfg.prim_path}. Please check PhysX logs.")
# log information about the rigid body
omni.log.info(f"Rigid body initialized at: {self.cfg.prim_path} with root '{root_prim_path_expr}'.")
omni.log.info(f"Number of instances: {self.num_instances}")
omni.log.info(f"Number of bodies: {self.num_bodies}")
omni.log.info(f"Body names: {self.body_names}")
# container for data access
self._data = RigidObjectData(self.root_physx_view, self.device)
# create buffers
# process configuration
# update the rigid body data
def _create_buffers(self):
"""Create buffers for storing data."""
# constants
self._ALL_INDICES = torch.arange(self.num_instances, dtype=torch.long, device=self.device)
# external forces and torques
self.has_external_wrench = False
self._external_force_b = torch.zeros((self.num_instances, self.num_bodies, 3), device=self.device)
self._external_torque_b = torch.zeros_like(self._external_force_b)
# set information about rigid body into data
self._data.body_names = self.body_names
self._data.default_mass = self.root_physx_view.get_masses().clone()
self._data.default_inertia = self.root_physx_view.get_inertias().clone()
def _process_cfg(self):
"""Post processing of configuration parameters."""
# default state
# -- root state
# note: we cast to tuple to avoid torch/numpy type mismatch.
default_root_state = (
+ tuple(self.cfg.init_state.rot)
+ tuple(self.cfg.init_state.lin_vel)
+ tuple(self.cfg.init_state.ang_vel)
default_root_state = torch.tensor(default_root_state, dtype=torch.float, device=self.device)
self._data.default_root_state = default_root_state.repeat(self.num_instances, 1)
Internal simulation callbacks.
def _invalidate_initialize_callback(self, event):
"""Invalidates the scene elements."""
# call parent
# set all existing views to None to invalidate them
self._physics_sim_view = None
self._root_physx_view = None