Additional Resources#

Here we provide external links to tools and various resources that you may also find useful.

Sim-to-Real Resources#

One of the core goals of the broader Isaac project is to bring real robots to life through the power of NVIDIA technology. There are many ways to do this, and thus, many tools that you could use. These resources are dedicated to helping you navigate these possibilities by providing examples and discussions about closing the Sim-to-Real gap and deploying policies to actual real robots.

LLM Generated Reward Functions#

Our research endeavor, Eureka!, has resulted in a pipeline for generating and tuning Reinforcement Learning (RL) reward functions using an LLM. These resources are dedicated to helping you utilize this pipeline to create RL based solutions to tasks that were once thought impossible!

Simulation Features#

At the heart of Isaac Lab is Isaac Sim, which is itself a feature rich tool that is useful for robotics in general, and not only for RL. The stronger your understanding of the simulation, the readily you will be able to exploit its capabilities for your own projects and applications. These resources are dedicated to informing you about the other features of the simulation that may be useful to you given your specific interest in Isaac Lab!